UNsung Winter Edition 2014 | Page 62

Sean Gammon Missing “Hi I'm Sean F’n Gammon from Windsor, Ontario Canada. After many years of trying my hand at various mediums, I finally fell into collage. I started out doing collage on canvas. One day I thought, "I wonder what my collages would look like on a skateboard." Within a couple days, I had my first one done and I haven't looked back since. It's been almost two years now. I've been part of many local shows and somehow made it into some magazines and have been featured/interviewed on a couple websites. I do what I do because we are so bombarded with images every day. It's fun to play around with them and see what happens. One day I also thought, "I wonder what my collages would look like on a sticker." Since I started making stickers a few years ago, I've been a part of several international shows, which is fun, and am in the streets frequently. You can find links to my Facebook, Twitter, and deviantART pages below.” Shattered Lives Apocolypse Yawn Angel of Def www.facebook.com/pages/Seanfuckinggammon-SK8-Collages/387490868000992?hc_location=timeline www.facebook.com/GreyballsWolfmonkey?hc_location=timeline seanfuckinggammon.deviantart.com/ twitter.com/sfuckinggammon BECOME PART OF AN EVOLUTION www.unsungthemagazine.org