"I honestly don’t see myself as a ‘professional’ photographer, however I’ve been in the
art of photography since I was about eight.
When I was fourteen is when I started to get
hands on experience working in the field or
doing photo-shoots. Other people will call
my work professional in a heartbeat, but I
on the other hand think I have a lot more to
learn before I can take the title as ‘professional’, so in the meantime, I call myself a
‘growing artist’."
"I take a lot of my inspiration from the
general art community. In the past few
years I've came across some awesome people through Flickr and Facebook. Some of
them I've actually become really good
friends with. I've met so many talented artists that are excellent at what they do.
Whether they are photographers or musicians, there are so many artists that are
everyday people just like me trying to go
somewhere with their talents. For me, it’s
really neat and inspiring to watch us all
grow with our work and be noticed in different ways."
"My inspiration is just life in general. I observe things very closely, and like to capture
them in my own perspective. I’m definitely
motivated by the support of people behind
me. There’s something very rewarding
when I get an awesome shot and I can share
it with people who are fans of my work. The
support I get for my photography makes me
want to try harder and achieve my dreams."
"I tend to work with a lot of models, but I
also work with a lot of animals. I work with
people and animals on a daily basis with my
photography. I love capturing personalities
and emotion. I especially love working with
people to capture natural beauty."