Unsung Heroes 2023 | Page 17

UNSUNG HEROES 2023 customer service is paramount .
The two may not always know your name , but if you visit often and get items from behind the counter , they know your usual purchase and have it ready when you approach the checkout . If you become a “ regular ,” they learn your name and show a personal interest in your needs and purchases .
“ Do you have your Speedway card ?” is another standard greeting at the checkout area - making sure that customers receive their designated points for each purchase .
Ornduff has worked at the London store since December 2016 but will mark her 13th year with the chain store next month . She began her career with Speedway in March 2010 while living in Indianapolis . But the failing health of her mother brought her back to her hometown of East Bernstadt in 2016 , where she transferred to the North Main Speedway where she has remained for the past 7 years .
“ I ’ ve always liked retail ,” she said . “ I love waiting on people and with the regular customers , you know what they ’ re getting .”
Sizemore has a bit less time at Speedway than Ornduff , but he has made it his livelihood because he too said he enjoys the customers .
“ I started in March 2017 and left , but I came back in May of 2018 ,” he said . “ I worked in an office setting on computers but I didn ’ t like having to sit in one spot for 8 hours a day .”
It doesn ’ t matter that they are at work while others enjoy their weekends off , or that they are there on holidays or nights .
“ We have fun here ,” Sizemore
While Ornduff runs the cash register , Sizemore is already getting cigarettes for a regular customer .
said . “ We joke around with each other and with the customers we know .”
“ It ’ s like a family atmosphere here ,” Ornduff added . “ We call ourselves ‘ The Speedway Family .’ And it is like a family with the people here .”
Ornduff and Sizemore work well as a team , almost reading the mind of each other . If there is an extra person on their shift , Ornduff runs the cash register while Sizemore does the “ running ” - handing over cigarettes or running to fix a pizza or other food for customers .
Sizemore hails from Jackson County but is more than happy to make the trek to London for his shifts . Ditto for Ornduff who drives from the far point of northern Laurel County for her work .
“ We actually don ’ t live that far from each other ,” Ornduff said of Sizemore . “ I ’ m a little closer but live in Laurel County while he ’ s just over in Jackson County .”
The two have a comraderie - with one another , with co-workers and with customers .
“ We have some people who are here every day ,” Ornduff said . “ Some of them come at the same time every day . Some of them just come in to talk to Rodney and me .”
It ’ s that personal relationships with customers that brings much business to the store , which is one of few in the area that sells kerosene in addition to gasoline , food , drinks and collectibles such as the popular Pokeman figures .
“ There ’ s one man who comes in here with his grandson . The child will want something and he will say no . The child just puts what he wants on the counter and the grandpa goes ahead and pays for it ,” Ornduff said , laughing . “ He spoils that child rotten ! I always have to smile because I ’ d do the same for my grandchildren .”
In fact , she cites seeing children come in the store and get excited
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