Unnamed Journal Volume 5, Issue 1 | Page 17

with you about all of it. I think there's more to this world- this universe- than silence, indifference, and death. There may not be for you, but there is for me." "Is that so?" "Yes," said Udo, squaring his shoulders. "Now, if you'll excuse me: I need to figure out how to stay alive and continue my studies." "You'll need luck with both of those." Udo sighed in disgust, pushing the curtain out of the way. Something clattered to the stone behind him. "It'll probably be easier if you take that with you," called the old wizard. The peryton went back into the wizard's chamber to see a beat up wooden scroll case on the floor. "I take it you'd spare some of that gold and silver in exchange for that? I think I'll be moving house not long after you go." The old human said. "Uh, yes. That's most of what's in this backpack. The prince sent me with ingots to barter with." Udo's gaze hadn't left the wooden case on the floor. "What is it?" "Well, that's a scroll case. But inside it, there's a scroll that might be what you're looking for." "What kind of spell is it?" "It's an illusion, but a powerful one. If you cast the spell as it's written, your enemies will perceive Cervus's army as far larger and formidable than expected. The shock of their military miscalculation should be enough to give even a madman pause. You'll still need to assemble Cervus's army in plain view of the leonines for it to work."