Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 4 | Page 15

Jonathon Macoon by Alfred Underhill ACT I: Scene 1 MARGORIE Harold, have you seen Jonathon? I need to give him a talking to. HAROLD I haven't seen much of him since I got home. Something the matter? MARGORIE I almost broke my neck on his skateboard again. He left it in the garage right next to where I get out of my car. HAROLD That kid. [sigh] He's not in his room? MARGORIE No, I checked there first. HAROLD That's strange. And he's not watching TV? MARGORIE No, I checked. He's not out front or in the back yard either. I really want to give him a piece of my mind. HAROLD [Inattentively] Mmm-Hmm... MARGORIE Harold! This is serious! I almost ended up in the hospital, and we don't know where our son is. Put down The Sun and help me find him. HAROLD [Sighing] Okay, I'll help you find Johnny.