Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 3 | Page 22

scooped them up the moment the door opened, and then he and O'Flannery were on their way back out. Their trip back up and out the second time was smooth until they reached the door where Ulysses had been knocked prone. Four soldiers were there surveying the damage. One just stood there gaping at the saucer in the distance firing plasma. That is, until O'Flannery and Ulysses approached. When the group noticed them, they immediately pointed their guns at the pair. O'Flannery screamed at whoever was on the other end of his phone. The ranking soldier in the group screamed at O'Flannery. The agent in turn screamed at him, then screamed into his phone some more. After a few tense seconds of screaming, O'Flannery held his phone forward so the man on the other end could scream at the soldier. After the man's face blanched, he and the other soldiers lowered their weapons and allowed the agent and Ulysses to pass. They started running as soon as they were through the door. Outside again, they paused. "How do you think we should get these to her?" "I'm not sure," said O'Flannery. "If I understand what you've told me correctly, the critters in the saucer won't detect whoever's holding the containers. That means they won't know to target whoever's carrying those out to her. But there's no cover out there, and no way to protect against a stray shot. I noticed that they just blanketed some sections in lightning, so I don't know how close either of us can get to hand those off." "What if I just get as close as I can, like say within earshot, and shout to Nera?" "That would probably work. Only downside would be exposure during your retreat. I don't know what kind of sensors or detectors those things have inside that craft. If you get close enough to get her these containers, and then they can't sense her anymore, they may mistake you for her." Ulysses and O'Flannery looked at each other for a few tense seconds. The crack and boom of plasma striking the earth was the only sound. They turned their heads to watch Nera's dance with saucer. "Any other ideas?" Ulysses said. "Nothing that's any better that what you've suggested." "That settles it," said the young man. "I take it you already know how to get in touch with my parents and the rest of my family?" "Yes, that information is in my dossier." Ulysses nodded. "If I don't make it, please tell my family I love them." "Agreed. Good luck." Ulysses checked the lids of each container, then carefully arranged the stack of them so he could hug them to his torso while he ran. He took off sprinting toward Nera. Watching the continuing cat and mouse game playing out in front of him made Ulysses feel like he was moving under water no matter how fast he ran. The speed of the craft, the plasma, and Nera made all three blur into each other. His eyes just couldn't keep up. A few times, he thought he saw Nera get hit by a bolt, only to realize he was seeing afterimages intersect.