Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 3 | Page 27

I met up with you, Nera, and Mr. Taylor and we discussed the plan that led to Nera being taken into government custody. Approximately eight days later, you and Nera departed Australia in her vehicle and arrived at the rendezvous point we had previously agreed upon. Correct?" "Yes, that's right." "When you and Nera surrendered yourselves, she asked that you be returned to your home in exchange for the surrender of her vehicle and herself. It was at that point that she incapacitated you." "Hey, uh, Agent O'Flannery?" Ulysses interrupted. "I've already made statements a few times previously about that part of what happened. Can we skip it today?" "Well, we can, but that'll all but guarantee that you'll get asked about it again in the future. You might not be done after today, unless you answer the question." "Fine," Ulysses said with a sigh. Ulysses answered all of O'Flannery's subsequent questions as well, until they got to the aftermath of Nera's victory. "What happened after Nera downed the second UFO?" Asked O'Flannery. "Let's see," said Ulysses. "I was still kind of out of it. I remember stumbling out that emergency exit door. My sight had kind of come back. I still couldn't hear a damn thing. I don't think the ringing in my ears is ever going to go away." He sighed. "I saw the crashed saucer, and I saw you walking towards it. I remember seeing Nera in the distance with another person. I didn't know what was going on. So I started running towards her." "What happened when you got there?" "You were trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear you. Nera was all smiles. She was holding more hyssopshebolith pelts. The woman standing next to her was just like her. She had pointy ears like Nera, but they didn't look related. That woman, I think her name was Ryla? She was injured from the crash but she was awake and lucid. Nera was helping her stand up." O'Flannery nodded, scribbled something down. "Let's pause for a break there," he said, turning off his recorder. He then held up the note pad for Ulysses to see. It read: stick to the story about what happened next. Ulysses gave O'Flannery a thumbs up. "I know I've already thanked you before, but thank you." "You're welcome," said the agent. "But just because I'm not recording right now, doesn't mean that someone else isn't, if you catch my meaning?" "Right, yeah, CIA field office and all that." "Do you want to take a real break before we continue?" "No. I'm good," said Ulysses. "Very well." The agent turned his recorder back on. "What did Nera say to you when you approached?" "She was pretty happy. Nera shouted that we did it. She hugged me, and kissed me like she would right before we'd have sex. I guess she must have caught herself, because she broke