Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 2 | Page 15

Chapter 16 - Surrender lysses and Nera stayed with Giles another 8 days. It hadn't taken long for Ulysses to see Giles's doctor, but the MRI and follow up results took longer. The diagnosis: three cracked ribs on his left side. The doctor told Ulysses there wasn't much to be done about it other than wait. He wrote the young man a script for ibuprofen, advised him to be careful, and suggested as much rest as possible for the next two months. Ulysses booked a follow up appointment that he knew he wouldn't keep. U Being under doctor's orders to take it easy was somewhat comforting. Ulysses had already managed to rest a fair amount while he'd waited on doctors and medical scans. It was the first real opportunity he'd had to catch his breath since Burning Man. Ulysses knew he wouldn't be whole again by the time both he and Nera returned to the U.S., but that didn't matter to him. What mattered was getting time with Nera and Giles while he was still free. While Giles was at work, Ulysses and Nera spent most of their time talking, cuddling, and having sex. Ulysses thought it was more diplomatic for the two of them to fuck only when Giles wasn't home. He didn't want to annoy Giles anymore than they already had. Ulysses took Giles out for drinks a few of the nights they stayed with him. The two of them would carry on as though the American was just in town on a social call. He'd brush Giles aside whenever he reminded Ulysses that he didn't have to turn himself in with Nera. Giles would shrug, mutter into his beer, or suddenly exclaim something about what was on the bar's TV in response to Ulysses's dismissals. It was a Sunday afternoon when he and Nera said goodbye to their host. He drove them to a spot near where Nera had hidden her saucer. The three of them sat in the car for a moment before Giles broke the silence. "Right, so you've called Special Agent Yank, so he knows you're heading over." "Yeah," said Ulysses. "I expect there will be some kind of a welcome wagon with him when we get there." Giles nodded. "I wouldn't expect it to be much of a homecoming. Probably be best to anticipate some rough treatment. I figure they'll be rather strict about how they want things done." "Seems likely. We'll just follow all of their directions and hope that's good enough, I guess. Not much more we can do going into this kind of situation." Ulysses looked at Nera when he felt her hand on his. Her smile was gentle. "Right, well, I hope all of this is worth it anyway. Seems like a crazy, bloody fucking mess, but you already know what I think about all this." Giles swallowed and looked out the driver side window. "Maybe you'll get lucky and it won't take long for those things to make their move. If we're all lucky, no more of them show up either." "Please do not worry, Giles. I will find and kill the remaining hyssopshebolith." Nera sounded a little too cheerful. She quickly added, "And I won't let anything happen to Ulysses." Giles muttered something to himself, and then said, "Of course, yeah, Nera. Yeah. I know you'll look out for good ol' Lee. No doubt in me mind about that." Nera beamed at Ulysses over the tepid endorsement. He suppressed a grimace, then said, "Hey, c'mon man. We'll be okay. And I'll see you again someday. Once Nera