Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 1 | Page 22

"Are there not still members of your military that are under their thrall? And you are uncertain how many of my people were present during your encounter in the desert? Or how many more of the parasites were with them?" "Look, lady," said O'Flannery, the skin on his neck swelling where Nera had choked him. "You can do whatever you want. But even with as strong as you are, I don't see how you're going to succeed all by yourself. If there are more of your people along with those things, then I'd say that makes the odds decidedly not in your favor. But you do you." He held up his phone. "Right now though, I'm going to do me, and call 911. So you and your friends might want to get going." The agent dialed the number and waited for the operator to pick up. "C'mon, Nera. Let's go. We'll figure out what next once we put some distance between ourselves and this place." Ulysses tried to keep his voice even, despite the mixture of adrenaline, hunger, fear, and exhaustion he felt. He gently grabbed her hand and began guiding her away. Giles followed them. O'Flannery finished his call and watched them walking away. He cursed under his breath, then ran after them. "Hey, wait!" He waived after the trio, who looked back at him with incredulity. O'Flannery caught up to them, reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out a card. He flipped it over and scrawled a phone number on it. "Take this. Call me if you find out anything else or decide to do something crazy, like trying to take the fight to these things." Nera nodded once. She handed the card to Ulysses, who slipped it into his phone case. Then the three of them quickly walked away. O'Flannery went back to where the cops lay and waited for emergency services to show up.