Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf Download Mike Westerdal | Page 40
Let me narrate you my own personal experience, recently my right hip
flexor began to bother me. I stretched and stretched and it still caught
with every stride as I ran. Your hip flexors are located deep in the front
hip where the leg ties into the body and they are responsible for flexing
and bending of your thigh.
Amazingly, moving forward is a moment by moment progression of
literally falling forward and catching yourself. Your hip flexors get you
out of your own way so that you can move ahead and fall forward, but in
such a way that your other leg becomes available to catch you.
Observe a baby learning to walk and you will surely see the process in
action. If you do not flex the hip you will either struggle to move
forward, not move at all or trip over yourself and land face first on the
ground. You may not think about it in this way, but walking forward is
an exercise in trust.
Now with constant practice, you can learn to trust the process of your
forward progression as effortlessly as walking. Now you might ask me
what my lesson was in my hip flexor. Knowing it was not simply a
physical matter you might have asked the question.
The answer is that once you become conscious of your fear,
acknowledge it, release it to truth and say yes to the all your opportunity.
Throughout my process of awareness I supported my body with
intentional stretching and chiropractic care.