Unlock Your Hip Flexors by Rick Kaselj eBook PDF Free Download | Page 8

● Why you ' re just as likely to be affected by this problem if you ' re a balls-to-the-wall gym rat training 24 / 7 or a couch potato .
● Why , if you have a desk job or drive a car for long periods , you need to act NOW with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors 10 Exercises .
● The shocking reason your intense core workouts could be doing more harm than good if you haven ' t loosened your hips first with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors 10 Exercises ( and why crunches and sit-ups won ’ t do a thing to help ).
● Why strong legs and glutes are important to your overall health and why you need to prevent too much flexion of your hips .
● How trauma , injury and stress can build up within your posture and how it will ultimately affect your psychological state .
● Why the " cure " isn ' t simply to stop sitting ( you need to be more pro-active in targeting the muscles affected to undo the damage from sitting all day ).
● Why the damage is most likely ALREADY done and exactly what you need to do to redress those deep-seeded imbalances with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors 10 Exercises before the damage becomes permanent ( if this doesn ' t kick you into action , nothing will …)
● Why " comfort " and " support " are the enemies of our natural physiology and how we can start to move back towards our natural posture ( forget pillows , support cushions and belts .)
● How tight hips affect your sexual performance through decreased blood flow and circulation and what you can do about it right now to achieve peak sexual health again .
● Why some guys end up with " old-guy butt syndrome " that isn ' t sexy but also inevitably leads to hip pain and how to avoid it by loosening the hips .
● The 2 situations you NEED to be aware of when training your glutes with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF 10 Exercisesto ensure they ' re properly activated for maximum athletic performance .
● How to clear your mind and re-energize your thinking simply through learning how to relax your psoas muscle ( this alone will help you wipe stress from your mind in an instant ).