Unlock Your Hip Flexors by Rick Kaselj eBook PDF Free Download | Page 7

increases tightness in the hamstrings . Having tight hamstrings causes the hips and pelvis to rotate back which flattens the lower back causing lower back pain and poor posture .
In a more perfect world , everyone would get regular sports massage to help improve the muscle tissue quality of the hamstrings by increasing blood flow but unfortunately for most of us , that isn ' t always possible .

Click here to download Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF Program by Rick Kaselj

In The Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF Program , you will discover :
● Exactly how to target those hard-to-reach muscles with detailed , step-by-step walk-through videos of every single Key Move ( Rick Kaselj ' s simple , clear demonstration of these powerful moves will help them become second nature in no time ).
● The No . 1 single most important element of human body posture and why your hips hold the key to peak performance ( if this fails , your performance is drastically affected whether running , walking or even just standing ).
● The true impact of your body ' s “ Mighty Muscle ” and how it is really affecting your physical , emotional and spiritual well being ( you ' ll be shocked how big an impact this has on your everyday life ).
● How your body ' s natural survival response has been tricked into permanent " danger " mode , and how you can switch it off to see faster fat loss and more energy ( the reasoning behind this is crazy , but completely true ).
● The main causes for your psoas muscle to change structure , a major danger sign for your body ( any change , however minimal , has an overwhelming impact that ripples across your body causing other muscle groups to compensate ).