University Research Conference 2021 | Page 11

Athena Patel Capture the Flag Events : Learning to Think Like Hackers Cybersecurity practitioners frequently compete in Capture the Flag Competitions . These matches are comprised of teams competing against one another to see who can penetrate a machine or network first . These events are not just for fun , they help security specialists learn how hackers think so they can stay one step ahead of them . This research highlights the importance of these competitions .
Eugene Popov The Role of Cyber Forensics in Cyberwarfare As cyber capabilities advance , a new means of waging war has emerged . Cyber forensic specialists are joining frontline warriors in a battle for national security . Identifying the enemy and preventing future attacks is becoming the cornerstone of homeland defense . This research will explore how cyber forensics is evolving to combat future threats .
Makenzie Robertson Social Media Vulnerabilities As social media technologies advance , vulnerabilities follow . Hackers have become more skilled at weaving their way around the Internet and exploiting the masses of people using social media . For hackers , more users mean more targets . This research will examine social media vulnerabilities and how hackers exploit them . Tips for protecting yourself while using these apps will be discussed .
Ian Ryan Technology and the Unnatural Evolution of the Human Body The idea of using technology to modify the human body has been popular in science fiction for years . Cybernetic limbs , supercharged synapses , and even bionic eyes have captivated movie-goers . However , with advancements in technology , human-machine synthesis is becoming a reality . This research will explore the evolution of human augmentation including Elon Musk ’ s proposal for an implantable microchipbrain interface .
Valentin Semenyuk Penetration Testing : Don ’ t Leave Yourself Vulnerable Cyberattacks on business and organizations have been increasing at an alarming rate . One way to ensure that your organization is prepared to withstand an unwanted intrusion is to hire a pen-tester or ethical hacker . Penetration testing is critical for identifying weak links in a system that could be exploited . Pen-testers also recommend proper ways to patch vulnerabilities and circumvent attacks .