1. The client approaches the Architect, but has no baseline risk assessment or health and safety
specification. The designer can now provide the client with the service of drafting this for him
on his behalf. This also ensures that the designer will be able to comply with his statutory
2. The architect will now have a health and safety specification, and will be able to render proof
of the fact that it has been taken into consideration during the design phase.
3. The Architect will write a report that includes the aspects we have discussed above, and
provide the client with the report.
4. The report and health and safety specifications will be used as crucial information, which must
be taken into consideration by contractors pursuing to tender for the project.
5. The Architect will then assist his client by ensuring that the contractors have made adequate
provision for the costs of complying with the health and safety specifications and the report
that was drafted by the architect.
We know the law stipulates that you may only deal with other councils recognized by your industry, and that is why we are proud to say that we have joint powers with the South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) which is a Juristic person established by Section 2 of the Project and Construction Management Act (Act No 48 of 2000). The SACPCMP was established to regulate Construction Management and Construction Project Management Professionals to protect the public.
for a detailed summary of the cost attached to our service, navigate to the next page.
Universality is a law firm that only specializes in Construction, Industrial and mining Health and Safety legislation.
Your client has duties, and so do you. Not only does it require of you to comply, but it also clearly stipulates that by virtue of your role, and the fact that you are deemed a competent person, you have to take steps that is as far as reasonably practicable to ensure compliance.
Universality Legal is a business partner of the Association of Residential Communities in South Africa, The Restaurant Association of South Africa and one of three companies accredited by the HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA. We assist and manage construction projects in over 340 Residential estates nationwide, with approximately 10000 / ten thousand construction sites.