Universal Youth Work Partnership Yr 2 June 2021 | Page 21



- A need to differentiate between universal and targeted or other forms of youth work, to strengthen the case for longer-term investment.

- Wide range of value/reach/investment per area - may benefit from cost benefit analysis.

- Not all funded or supported youth providers buy in to the partnership, or are not counted in statistics (E.g. St Maddoes,Tulloch Net and churches).

- More clarity needed over what is eligible to count in UYW monitoring, flexibility of fund makes benefits less clear (e.g. work funded by other funds/funders).

- Potential continued or renewed restrictions relating to Covid-19.

- Overlapping lines of accountability for different funds/funders (hence a need to clarify reporting).

- Risk of losing ongoing investment in UYW when fund ends.

- Risk of partnership being diluted after funding.

- Potential conflicts of interest as internal trading evolves without clear protocols or procedures.

- Threat that some work may not be publicly perceived as 'universal' or accessible (if for example partners don't demonstrate an understanding of barriers in how services are promoted and delivered).

- Risk that collective achievements are undermined by early phase lower reach in Perth City, with largest population.

The SWOT analysis provides a summary of the wider learning from year two.

Year three will focus on the partnership.