Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 3

Nov/Dec 2013 | Vol. 01 Issue 02 Universal Living eZine Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century From the Publisher: Features: Do you remember standing in the mud when you were a little kid? Letting it squish between your toes. How it was soft and warm? Don’t you miss doing silly stuff like that? Earthing—Get Connected - Clint Ober, Stephen Sinatra, Martin Zucker | 4 Well, guess what? We should all make a concerted effort to do just that because silly as it may be, it’s something that can contribute greatly to our overall balance… it’s called Earthing! Medicine Cabinet Makeover - Deb Haltuch | 8 Scientifically speaking, by connecting your bare feet to the earth you are connecting yourself to an enormous source of energy. Your body will absorb the negative ions from the earth and balance out the positive ions that are assaulting and overloading us on a daily basis. 3 Crystals & 2 Stones You Need - Melinda Carver | 13 Think we’re doing okay with positive ions? Do we really understand just how much is being tossed into our energetic fields without our knowledge? Seriously – from the microwave, to our hairdryer, to the blender we’re using to make our smoothies (now there’s a bit of irony) to our cell phones, the wifi in our homes, Starbucks, the cell towers we drive by, the electric power lines we’re walking under, it’s all around! If we can get bars on our cell phone, we’re getting nuked! So stick those bare tootsies into the earth – stick them on the front lawn or stick them into a big old pile of mud – but get out of those vinyl soled sneakers that are separating you from this free source of healing energy – and EARTH! Love & Light! Sue Ball 5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds - Maria DiCenso-Pelser| 6 Why do People Get Sick? - Mary Robbins | 11 Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy - Gloria Zabala | 14 Order within Chaos - J:D Aricchi | 16 What is Your Purpose? -Roseann Heinrich | 18 Spirit Message - Ernesto Cardona | 19 Is it Time to DETOX? - Roseann Zaft | 22 Vogel DNA Activation & Repair—Part 1 - Maria Celeste | 25 Energize your Life, Energize your Money - Jan Litterst | 28 216-459-9094 [email protected] www.UniversalLivingEzine.com