Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 19
This newsletter has been encoded with light frequencies during the channeling process which, in turn will transfer to the reader the positive vibrations
relating to the topic of this message.
My beloved brothers and sisters, I AM Ashtar Commander and I bring great news of importance. Mother Earth went into a reboot in the
cycles of 12/12/12 to 12/21/12 and her people went
through a dimensional shift between the self and entering into the new paradigm whether they were
aware of it or not. Those that could not sustain the
light quotations to enter into this new Golden Age
are merely feeling the peak and start of an overall
transformational experience. New frequencies have
developed since into the new Earth plane. Now into
2013 we are in a time of expansion. Ask yourselves,
are you ready to anchor the Christ Consciousness and
Galactic Self Light Bodies within your embodiment
and walk among the Earth. This process is about
having self-awareness and cutting through fears and
illusions to start living in truth and integrity.
In order to work through the Ascension process one
must be prepared and accept with love and forgiveness in order to walk among the Earth. This is a
critical point! At this time Mother Earth is going
about another major shift within her tectonic plates
due to the releasing of built-up negative emotions
from her people and for her people.
Your neighboring star families will assist in making
this transition as easy as possible and request the
help from the Star Seeds Ground Crew. Starting
NOW, everyone upon Mother Earth will be going
through a spiritual evaluation. This is not a punishment. We are simply looking through the divine karmic blueprints of each and every one of you, sending
Ernesto Cardona
help from the Stars for those of you who are seriously
committed through the heart.
As you can see in the media, much is changing in an
unexpected yet historical way. Those that we look
up to and that influence many are the first to be reevaluated. This is a statement and an opportunity to
give those in authority a chance to do what is right
and not what is easy. Those that are prepared in
truth will expand and jump leaps and bounds. Those
who are not honest within the self or to others will be
cut off and replaced due to their own actions.
Another note, the expansion and elevation of all
senses will decrease for those that misuse and abuse
their power. Understand this ~ this applies to World
Leaders, politicians, governments, institutions, societies, groups, etc. This also applies to the FDA and the
healthcare industry who work behind the scenes to
manipulate the system for self benefit. This also includes psychics, mediums, healers, astrologers, light
workers, star seeds, magicians, priests and priestesses and all walks of life. To hold the light you must
live in your own light and hold the love vibration fully
into your physical vessel. The All-Seeing Eye of
SOURCE CREATOR is now open and magnified scanning all of Gaia (Earth) and her people. The military
(all armed forces) will be experiencing some subtle
changes as well. In their words ‘strange and unexpected events’ are occurring and will continue to occur. All things will be uncovered to all as it is the
right for all to know.
One must live in oneness and not in separation. It is
time to rejoice and live fully in alignment with your
Nov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 19