Universal Credit is coming - are you ready?

Universal Credit will replace many benefits you may receive, including Housing Benefit, Jobseekers Allowance and Child Tax Credit.

These will be combined into one payment and paid directly to you.

Universal Credit could be a big change to how you receive any payments. You will need to look again about how you pay your rent, debts, bills and how you manage your money.

This could be a bit scary but we’re at hand to help.

You will be responsible for paying your rent

As you will receive your payment directly, you will know be responsible for paying Bromford your rent.

You will need a bank account

Universal Credit will be paid into a bank account. You will need to open an account in order to receive your payment

You will need to make a commitment

When you sign up to Universal Credit, you will also sign up to a 'Claimant Commitment'. You will agree to a list of responsibilities in return for your payment. If you do not follow these agreements, your payment could be stopped.

Universal Credit is coming

Are you ready?