Universal Creativity May 2015 Issue | Page 33

Meet Brenda Novak 1. How would describe your launch as a best- I hit The New York Times when I least expected it. I had selling author? a million things on my mind (as I said above, I have five I was fortunate enough to sell my very first book to kids so that sort of gives you a clue as to why!) but HarperCollins--a historical romance titled OF NOBLE hitting the list wasn't one of them. So when my agent BIRTH, which I've since resold to Montlake (Amazon)-- called, my thoughts didn't immediately reach for the but that hardly made me a bestseller. I was orphaned possibility. I could tell by her level of excitement that (lost my editor when she was fired during the merger something significant had happened, but I still didn't clue between Harper and Avon), so I lost my slot at that in. The call went like this: house. Fortunately, I'd already sold my first contemporary novel to Paula Eykelhof at Harlequin, and "Hi, Kim. How are you?" she's bought just about everything else I've been able to "Good," she said. "And you?" produce in the past fifteen years. We are now up to fifty I told her I was good, too. Then she said, "You're about books together and hope to do many more. to be a lot better." At this I caught my breath. "Why do you say that?" I 2. If math and science were your best subjects in asked tentatively. school then how did your creativity in writing "You just hit The New York Times!" she screamed. flourish? I felt my jaw drop as I scrambled to figure out HOW this I was put in a difficult situation and had to figure a way most amazing thing--something I'd wanted since I wrote out of it. When I caught my daycare provider drugging my first manuscript--had happened out of the blue. my children with cough syrup to get them to sleep all day TRUST ME had come out three weeks earlier. STOP ME so she could watch soap operas, I quit my job to stay wouldn't be out for another week. Typically, if you're home with them myself. But I needed to be able to help going to hit a list, you do it the first week of a book's my husband (who was losing his business) earn a living. I release. was trying to figure out what I could do with three little Scarcely willing to believe her, I asked, "With what kids (I have five now), but nothing came to mind--until I book?" was reading a good book. It was Jude Deveraux's She laughed. "TRUST ME! It hit #20, which means it KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. I loved that story so much made the print list." and, when I finished it, remember thinking, "I wonder if I can do this!" I started the next day and have never looked back... 3. Was what it like the moment you first became a best-selling author?