Trae Stratton’s novel, To Have and To Hold is absolutely amazing! I highly
recommend reading his fabulous novel. Trae Stratton definitely knows how to
keep his readers intrigued and lured in from the first page onward. I loved his
characters journey of romance unfolded right before me! A beautiful and simple
love story told from the groom’s point of view! This book caught my attention
because most novels are told from the woman’s or both the woman’s and man’s
point of view. But Trae’s dashing novel was strictly told from the groom’s and
the groom’s family point of view. The chapter’s switched point of views and
kept me intrigued as to when the groom will be finally getting married. Collin
MacLann has it all. A good life and many girlfriends that come in his life at
different points in his life. Making the novel highly unique and interesting.
Which one of the girlfriends will be his bride? Or will someone else be his bride?
Whether you love reading a good mystery or a perfect romance, To Have and To
Hold, has it all! A brilliant must read that will keep you reading all night long! I
highly recommend getting a copy of Trae Stratton’s book and start reading it
now! I rate the novel a 5 out of 5 stars!