- It is very important that every writer is an active reader. Read, read, and read!
Reading helps writers improve their thought process.
- Another thing all writers should do is practice writing. Write every day. Whether
short or long. Practice, practice, and practice writing! The only way to perfect
one’s writing.
These two important reminders are the sole keys or every writer whether he or she
wants to become an article writer, author, blogger, book reviewer, or an editor.
What is a writer’s schedule like? A book reviewer’s, an author’s, and an article
writer’s schedule is chaotic. There are always deadlines popping up that need to be
finished. There are always more books to review. There are tons of articles that are
500 words in length that need to be written daily for companies’ websites. And the
pressure or an author to complete his or her book is tough. Writer’s block can
happen halfway through a book. So, being a writer in any field requires the utmost
Book reviewer’s job: Requires that the reviewer can at least review two novels a
week. Most book reviews are 300-500 words in length. A book review consists of
two paragraphs. The first paragraph needs to be about the books. A brief summary
of what it was like without giving away too much of the plot. Also, need to
mention the author, the writing style, characters, plot, setting, the targeted audience
and would you recommend it to others. The second paragraph is made up solely on
your opinions of the book. What did you think of it? What could have improved
the book to make it better? What did you like and not like about the book?
Article Writer: An article writer’s job is to follow all terms on what each article is
to be about, how it should be formatted, and what type of article needs to be
written. Whether it’s a promotion of a product, educational, or informative. Each
article is anywhere from150-500 words each. Most article writers are required to
write 10 five hundred word articles each week! All articles are can be a variety of
weird topics. For example dog beds. Try writing an informative article using 500
words on the topic of dog beds. And no plagiarism! Article writers have to do a ton
of research on each and every topic they are given. Being an article writer is not
the easiest job.