Universal Creativity 2 | Page 13

Arton stood and kissed her hand, “of course Princess Asora. I will see you later this morning.”

Gourani fluttered up and led him out.

Sarea walked in. “You told me to tell you when it was time for services.”

“Yes, thank you. Let us go to my private temple. Nona should be there to give the thanksgiving for the morning.” Asora joined her bodyguard at the door and they went down the stairs to the small temple. Before walking in they covered their heads in sheer white scarfs.

It was a bright large oval room made of white marble with many windows with one tall stain glass of the maker at the front of the temple. It was of a beautiful woman with white hair, pale skin and eyes wearing a long flowing white gown surrounded by flowers, vines and trees. It spilled a kaleidoscope of colors onto the walls and floor.

There were several pews for the small number of people and a white covered alter brimming with roses with a golden goblet of wine. Standing behind the altar was a young Elf with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore her long hair down and wore a yellow underdress with a red overcoat.

“Good morning, Nona, the maker be with you.” Asora called out as she approached. Her steps echoed on the white marble as she walked up the aisle with Sarea a step behind.

“The maker be with you, Nona,” Sarea called out.

Nona came from behind the altar to stand in front. She bowed deeply to Asora before returning the greetings in a pleasant voice, “The maker bless you this day, Princess Asora and you too Dame Sarea.”

The door burst opened and four fluttering Fairies came whizzing in. It was Gourani, B’nei, Friea and Rayne, Asora’s ladies in waiting.

“Good. We are all here now and we apologize for being late. I am sure you have heard of what happened on Carlon yesterday. I feel a great need to say my prayers of thanksgiving to the Maker for my recovery. But we must be quick for I have yet to have my meetings with the Prime Minister before court.”

“As you say, your highness. Let us begin.” Nona turned and faced the larger than life marble statue of the maker that stood in front of the stained glass. Asora and her entourage knelt with heads and hands in prayer.

“We give thanks to you for your creations and our destinies. We marvel in your works and wonders. It is said that one day your power will return. We wait for that day and ask as we wait for your continuing guidance and love. With this we say glory be unto you.” Nona chanted.

“Glory be to you,” the women chanted.

“You created life and light,” Nona chanted.

“Glory be to you,” the women chanted.

“You give us love and magic,” Nona chanted.

“Glory be to you,” the women chanted.

Nona turned around and picked up the golden goblet and held it up, “with your blessing we begin our day.” She took a sip and then came around to the kneeling women.

She went first to Asora who took the cup saying, “With your blessing I begin my day.” She sipped and handed it back.

This was repeated until they had all drank and stood and placed their left hands on their hearts in supplication. The prayers were over and Asora and her friends rushed out thanking Nona.

She met with Frenzen for a late breakfast in her private dining room.

“I met with Bremmer. He wants to send a contingent of soldiers into Carlon and rescue as many people as they can.”

The prime minister sat forward and looked urgently into Asora’s eyes. “It will be seen as an attack of the Utopian Kingdom and if there was a treaty we will be in violation of it. Last time this happened, on Ceti-Delphi, the Humans had to beat back the entire Darkcon army and they killed Duke Jeia’s family.” Frenzen sat back, “finally I do not see the rest of the court with the exception of the Fairies, who will also want to go, will allow it.”

“I have not forgotten that my brother’s family was killed. I also know and I told Bremmer as much, that the court would not want the Humans to be armed.” Asora pushed her half eaten plate away and sighed.