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Piešťany gold ribbons 2013 On 6th to 8h June 2013 an event took place in Piešťany which is besides the beautiful historic vehicles show also the sample of an excellent mana­ gerial work of organizers. tants of Piešťany welcomed also the giving of autographs by motorcyclist Ivan Jakeš who achieved at the prestige Rally Dakar his life success - 4th place. The development of motorism in Piešťany is inseparable connected to local health resort. In the year 1912 the Winters bought a motorcar of brand Dion Bouton which they were renting to spa guests and drivers too. So, rather unconscious, they deserved laying the corner stone for the future origin of car rentals over which today, a century later, predominates AVIS in Slovakia. History of the event of Piešťany car shows reaches the years 1932 to 1937 when famous competitions for the nicest car took place in Piešťany. The events were known as Concours d’Elégance and they were a  culmination of long sight-seeing drives. Interesting is that well-known spa guests and personalities with glanced cars as the actor Vlasta Burian, singer Richard Taubner or known countess Geraldína Apponyiová from Oponice took part there. World War II stopped the tradition of competition which was reopened after year 1980 again under the name Piešťany gold ribbons - Concours d’Elégance, but already as historic vehicles show. Competition programme usually consists of ride on chosen route out of Piešťany. However, the most attractive for spectators is the city ride and the car show on Kúpeľný ostrov with the evaluation of the nicest of them. Thanks to the zealous vintage car lovers we can admire the rare cars from the different countries and their period worn crews every year. In front of the hotel Thermia Palace which creates a  dignified, elegant and period appropriate 66 environment, the separate vintage cars together wih the crew are maestoso introduced to public. It is an experience not only for younger years but a full value excursion to the past for adult admirers of motorism. Among the interesting models were also Rolls Royce Phantom from year 1926, Jaguar from year 1952 or Belsize Cabrio from year 1903 and tenths of other rare vehicles from several European countries. A culmination of an event was the Saturday's  “beauty parade” in front of hotel Thermia Palace. An international jury chose the nicest cars and the best period clothes of crews in separate categories. Introducing of the crews on red carpet was accompanied by music programme and the event culminated by the fireworks in the rythm of period music. Piešťany gold ribbons turned out well again and according to words of an organizer Ján Horňák they certainly exceeded the world rallye in Sweden and Berlin. An unique historic vehicles show Piešťany Gold ribbons - Concours d’Élégance 2013 started already in the afternoon when the glanced vintage cars were passing by Winter street to Kúpeľný ostrov. Here were the organizers welcoming and introducing the separate vehicles. On Friday, 7th June, period worn crews of their oldtimer started from Kúpeľný ostrov. 120 km long rou ■ te with stop in prestige manor-house in Oponice waited for them, from where they  continued to Nitra and back to Piešťany. On  Saturday the historic vehicles lovers presented themselves in Trnava. Among the praticipants of an event were also the race drivers from this year's  Rally Dakar on their racing Tatra Car Show in Piešťany was an important event in the past 815. Inhabi-