United Life 01 | Page 45

Exotické destinácie Exotic destinations O autorovi When somebody says Rapa Nui only few people know that it is an aboriginal name of Easter Island. Original inhabitants used to call it „Te Pito o te Henua“ – The Navel of the World. Lásku k cestovaniu mi vypestovali asi už moji rodičia, ktorí s nami už ako s deťmi cestovali kam až to „železná opona“ dovolila. Neskôr som ako študent pracoval ako externý sprievodca cestovnej kancelárie Čedok. Po otvorení hraníc sa nám otvoril aj svet a  ja som mohol naplno odovzdávať lásku k  cestovaniu svojim deťom. Táto cestovateľská vášeň ma neopúšťa a stále hovorím – „je jedno kde som, hlavne že sa mi zadok na ceste natriasa“. Do exotických krajín vyrážame hľadať nové prostredie, zážitky a  ľudí. Avšak to najdôležitejšie, čo tam môžeme nájsť sme my sami. Vladimír Mego cestovateľ The Navel of the World It concerns one of the most isolated places in the world. It is situated more than 3700 km from South America. The name amazes also because of the fact that the island is only 12 kilometres wide! The island arose in the Pacific Ocean million years ago by alloying of lava from three volcanic cones to the triangular mainland. Only two aeroplanes arrive there every second day in a week. The airport is situated on the border of Hanga Roa, which is the only settlement on the island where about 3800 inhabitants live. It is perhaps the only village in the world which has an international airport. Otherwise, it stands out by nothing - ground buildings many of them made of wood, small hotels, restaurants and shops. The island with not tall volcanic “loaves” is rocky, almost without trees, covered only by the grass and bushes. In the rented cross-country car we set off on the sightseeing. All around, we can see rocky surface and stone walls. We are arriving to first “ahu” - a cairn on the coast. There are several littering statues - moai. They are stone colossi about 5 metres high. They were built on some platform from half to one metre over the ground, called ahu. On the whole Easter Island there are about 350 ahu. Some of them are with statues, others without them. Moai was built by an advanced civilization from the unknown reasons about thousand years ago. In the southern coast of the island the crater Rano Raraku is situated protruding about 200 metres over the island surface. It is the place where all 600 statues were carved. Around half of them was finished, transported and raised, the second half stayed here in different phases of processing. We are crossing the “forest” created by several metres high statues which are differently inclined and got covered with ground. There are also some unfinished ones. They are only cut into massif. From the slope of the crater is a view on the whole islan