United Kingdom 2011 - 4 | Page 6

B R I E F S Wood-Mizer Asia appoints new engineers to enhance customer service Adam Kua (left) was joined by engineer Patryk Galdyn from Kolo for the installation of an SLP line in India during the summer 4 In order to support strong growth in sales and installations of Wood-Mizer sawmills throughout Asia, the Regional office in Singapore has expanded its local workforce. Adam Kua joined the company as a Customer Service Engineer in February this year and completed two weeks of training in Kolo in April. Based in Singapore, he provides service support as well as installing equipment for customers. This month another Customer Service Engineer is appointed. Bijo Mathews will be based in India, and will spend the last two weeks of October in Kolo for training, joined by Adam who is visiting again for more advanced training. "These appointments enable us to improve the service to customers, with local engineers providing an efficient WOOD-MIZER TODAY AUTUMN 2011 and cost-effective response", said James Wong, Wood-Mizer's Regional Manager - Asia. "Adam works from the Singapore office, and Bijo will work closely with Bobby Joseph, our Country Manager for India who was appointed at the end of last year in recognition of the size and importance of this market". Adam and Bijo will work together on larger projects, with additional support from installation engineers from Kolo when needed. The engineers complement and enhance the technical service that is also provided to customers by engineers working for the company's agents in individual countries throughout Asia. James Wong appointed four agents last year, bringing the current total to seven, with more expected to be added soon.