United Kingdom 2011 - 4 | Page 18

C O V E R S T O R Y Pierre Bremond: French fast-track ace! Pharmacist's portable band sawmill deep in the forest yields 4m3 of lumber daily 16 A private mountain-top sylvicultural, forestr y and timber processing operation in the south of France has overcome drought, hurricanes and the potential stalling of log conversion by planned planting and harvesting, as well as 'in-house' sawing. The owner, Pierre Bremond, runs his diverse 250-hectare forest in the Alpes de Hautes, in Provence. Devoted to exploiting his cedars, oaks and black pines, he saws his finest trees himself and makes tree houses using the boards and cants. At an altitude of 1100 metres, on a plateau, tree houses seem particularly appropriate. WOOD-MIZER TODAY AUTUMN 2011 Actually, he lives a double life. Down in the village of Banon he is the local pharmacist, and up on the 1100m plateau he transforms into arboriculturalist, forester, logger and sawyer. Only a 4x4 can get up there and snowshoes are essential in winter. There are many compensations. For example, a fine panorama spreads out before him, spanning the mountains of the Lubéron sloping down to the Mediterranean. It was Pierre Bremond's parents who bought the 300 hectares of undeveloped land thirty years ago. It comprised farmland and natural woods dominated by Scots pine, old oak and beech coppices. In this beauty spot Pierre