UNITE - InnoSpark V1.0 | Page 3

BY tanmay batabyal



All events will held at MYRA School of Business campus.

Our definitive goal is to encourage the innovation & Technology culture in the community to create an awareness about the prevailing and upcoming Technology & Innovation around the world.

We all have been fortunate so far to witness 20th Century & continuing 21st Century. The name “UNITE” is entirely dedicated to the current generation of ours, where most of us have used the technology in the form of 3.5 inch floppy disc (Maximum storing capacity was Mega Bytes) to Pen Drives (Maximum storing capacity was Giga Bytes) and even external drives (Maximum storing capacity was Tera Byte), further developing the technologies to achieve at Peta Byte(105), Exa Byte (106), Zetta Byte (107), Yotta Byte (108) and so on. Our generation has been witnessing rapid change in technology & innovation which is becoming more & more exciting for all. We are wondering what the next generation technologies will be? There is no chance to disregard this fascinating part (i.e. Technology & innovation) from our daily life, where none of us can stay away from them anymore. Thus, leading us to be further dependent on them in the years to come.

To share industry insights & learn from leaders who have personally lead transformation;

To meet & network with like-minded local & global peers;

To get concrete ideas on how to successfully lead transformation

Topromote Technological & Innovative entrepreneurship


* The event’s key focus will be on the

technological advancement & how

technology is facilitating them to support

their local & global customers

* Promoting internationally accepted practices,

standards and compliance assessment


* Facilitating the development of human capital

to support technology


* Applied research and development (R&D)

and technology transfer and its application

* Will conduct competitions like Innovation

Cafe etc.


"UNITE” stands for “Unified Innovation & Technology for Ecology, Economy & Equity”.