ready for because it can only end in two or three bad ways. You can 1) Get A HUGE Heart Break. 2) Hurt Someone Else. 3) Be Rushed To Do Things You Know You Not Ready For. 4) End Up Dating Someone You DON’T Know. Plus much more than we yet to bargain for.
We all want love. We all want to find that special someone for us. But this doesn’t mean that this person will be found in your next outing. While I’m not saying that it isn’t possible, but there is a chance it won’t. Love takes time and trust me when I say no matter how long it takes to come it will be well worth it.
So take your time. Have your fun. Dance around and sing randomness. Be yourself or even find out some new stuff about yourself. Learn more about what you like and look for in a mate and what you don’t. You have a long life ahead of you. Valentines is just ONE day, while love can last a LIFETIME.