Union Times Magazine Jan. 2016 | Página 2


The Union

Times Staff

This year´s first edition is dedicated to the victory of the Union. After 4 years of war, slavery has finally been abolished and the nation has finally overcome the conflict between our brotherhood.

We´d also like to dedicate this edition to all the Union and Confederate soldiers that scarified their lives for the greater purpose. In order to commemorate them gallantly, the Union Times staff has decided to

present the events of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address; two of the main highlights of the Civil War. In addition, our team included a brief but eye-opening biography of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln.

Even today, his death is something to talk about.

Don´t miss our political cartoons regarding the Civil War and our sports and society sections for more information.

Happy 1866,

The Union Times Staff