Masthead changes through time
Masthead (noun) the name of a publication (such as a newspaper) displayed on the top of the first page;
sometimes can include a graphic or different fonts to stand out
Southern Recorder
Nl 1 iJ EDGEV1LLE, GEORG1A, SATLKDAV, JANUA HY 31, 182o ga Inin added, that he would do him 1 lie hon “ S t o p m y pa t e r ,” exeluims 1. J., “ I
speakeably resplendent, glorious centre. I tively perceive it us limly revealed—.is I thered from the vvliolo of Robertson’s vo or to behead him with Ins ow n hand.— cannot make a tool of you, and von will
Nebula; may he generally divided into two ijofij being nearly Id tided with the sur lumes. There is nothing like seeing a The Vizier Imped lie would spare him the not do for me,” anti so on till you come
ery little improvement to the lot, they kinds: one, a combination of innumera rounding gloom, like those tmccrtaii ap great man when lit; is divested of nil toe pain to his feelings. The Sultan assured to V. /. Magnanimous mortals, what
pleased to announce to their friends and the ble stars, which, from their distance, have paritions which are only occasionally ecu jiomp mid circumstance which magnify iiunlliat pain tin re would he mine. “Jus!,” line editors you would make.
nubbe generally, that their House, and its silna- the appearance of a faint cloud—a dis
N. Y. Cou.
said lie, “ stand still, shut your eyes, and I
in tho field of view of a powerful teles him in our eyes.
tiou, lias advantages far superior to any other in
“ I have seen the Emperor twice, first will, by wav of a sample, draw tlie hack
illiliedgeville, occupied as an Inn, being retired tance so remote, as to leave the most pow cope, when the air is refined and serene.
B u il t .! ph v j . I v e s . A ease of»some no
' from the crowd ; well arranged for families, and erful mind faltering in endeavoring to ac How grand is the consideration of the sick in his privy chamber at our first coin of the sabre along vonr iliroat. The cold
perfectly convenient to Hie State. House, where quire au adequate conception of it; tiie | lenitude of space—no awful void, no ing. He looked somewhat like the par of the steel, which yon will then feel, will vel!; mid nportunee tins been derided by
all business relative to Lands tire transacted.— other, probably not so remote, though in
file Supreme (,'oiirt of the Stnte of New-
dread vacancy, no dreary solitude; inces son of Epurstone. He hud on n gown of lit; all that you will suffer when I really York. The action was brought upon the fol
Friends and strangers visiting the seat of govent-
fuiftit, are respectfully invited to call and exam conceivably beyond our system of fixed sant streams of light, from myriads of tufl’etty, anti a furred night cap of black on proceed to your bona fide decapitation ” — lowing memorandum :
stars, composed of a luminous matter, of systems, intersecting each other m every Ins bead, Dutch-like, having u seam over The Vizier accepted of this trial npu,i li
ine the Mansion House.
“May 14’It. 1891 Tide day, Stephen Ives,
the nature and destiny of which but a very direction, and bearing to the boundless the crown. Saw him also on Si. An lting. The Sultan drew the sabre across hot one hundred dollars, to fifty dollars,
Milledgeville, January, 1829.
faint idea is furnished for conjecture.— realms of creation, evidence of creative drews Day, sitting at dinner. I stood his neck not exactly in the manner promis with John Phillips, thatNnpoleou Ronapart*
The most remarkable of this kind is that power, benevolent design, and universal hard by the Emperor’s table. lie had four ed, then said, “ now open your eyes, and ;vid,ai or before the expiration of two year*
courses; he Imtl sod beef, very good, roust tell me whether it hurt you”—“ not the ('•trm the above dare, he removed, nr escape,
MIIE undersigned having permanently settled in the sword-handle of Orion ; its irre dominion.
|_ in Milledgeville, oilers bis services to the gularity of form suggests a resemblance
mutton, baked ham. The Emperor hath least,” replied the Vizier. “ Then shake from the Island of St. Helena. It is under
J. T. B.
uiblic, in the practice of the Law, in tile several
n good face, a constant look ; lie fed well your lientl”—the Vi/.iertlid ns lie was hid, stood between tho parlies, that if Bonaparte
ourts of the Uukinulgre Circuit, and adjacent to the head of a monstrous animal, with
* Tlie nebula in Atlromcdn is visible to tho un of a capon.
I have had a hotter from mid liis lientl fell off, and rolled away on should die within tiie above period of two
two horns of unequal lengths, making n
yearN, and on tho Island of St. lielenn, tlr.t
eye. and lias very much the uppearanre of mine hostess Barnes many times in my
Jan. 23.
considerable angle with each other, the assisted
tho ground. As the newspapers always Mr.Jives loses the bet.”
t comet, for which there is reasuii to b lieve it
II e and Ferdinando cat toge conclude, ii is needless to add thut the Sul
J a I e OF 114 HALF ACRE LOTH, lower one having an easterly direction ; an has recently been mistaken.
Bonaparte died within the lime specified.
ther very handsomely, carvingthoinselves tan had in fact sliced the head from the -The D]-trial Court, on e special verdict,
unequal brilliancy occurs throughout, as
where they list, without any curiosity.— body, when pretending to shew only how gave judgment for tho defendant, which was
though one part was formed of accumula
affirmed liy the Supreme Court, the Chief
ted luminous matter, assuming in some
Roman Antiquities in Holland.—While The Emperor drank the best that ever l it would feel—Loudon Examiner.
Justice and Justice Smith dissenting. The
Wf N compliance with an act of the General As places the appearance ot solidity ; those j|, Italy excavations have been making a- saw: he had his head in the glass five
I Ja sL'itibly of tlie State of Georgia, passed on the parts which mark die outline of tlie mouth mong towns overwhelmed ages since with time's ns long ns any of us, and never
“ ft's a slavish life that toe lead." * * * majority declared,
24th day of December, 1827, entitled “An ad to and eve of the fancied animal may be
“ Every bet about the age, or height, or
lava, the government of Holland is em drank less than a good quart at once of * * * * Pass from tlie highest station in weight,
lay out a trading town, and to dispose of tile lands
or wealth, or circumstances and
life downward to the dregs of civilized so situation of any person, are either maliciou*
reserved for the use of the Stale, near the Coweta better described by comparing them to ployed in uncovering tlie'reimmw of anti Rhenish wine.”
There is something exceedingly naive ciety, & among all, in a greater or less de or indecent, or impertinent nr indelicate; all
Falls, on the Chattahoochee River, and to name deep indented bays, nearly of a quadran quity buried at nearly us early a period by
the sutne,” the Commissioners appointed under the gular figure, well defined, and by its the inundations of the ocean. At a spot in all this, and it reminds us of the coun gree, you meet, with the same discontent
such lets are illegal, and that no court ought,
provisions of said act, will oiler tor sale, at public
brightness giving an intensity to the dark called Alircnhurgli, traces of an ancient tryman who did not find the king “ nny ed feelings. The farmer, the mechanic, in any case, to sustain u suit on a wa
outcrv, m the town of Columbus, commencing on
iJK, 23d day if MARCH next, ness of the sky that it surrounds, which, Roman villa or town have been discover such great shakes, after all.” We can the merchant, ami the professional man, ger ; anil this, whether the subject of th*
*frjrc tinniTd lots in said town of Columbus, enn- in these openings, (probably by contrast,) ed ; it has been purchased by the king, and imagine honest Roger Asclmm, watching entertain tlie same opinion on this point, hot was man or woman, or child, married or
gof ONE HUNDRED Sf I'UllTV FOUR. appears of an unusual blackness. The sixty laborers ure engaged in digging out with tlie gravity of a judge, every morsel and there is not one in a thousand hut will single, native or foreign, io this country or -
The sale to continue from djty to day. until all n
brightest pan has by no mentis a uniform and laying bare its antiquities, tin; Dutch th-it tlie Emperor took into his mouth, and tell you, if lie had not commenced his (ire- abroad. I can perceive no principle of law
sold. One fifth of the purchase money xx ill be re
or jtisflep, which will require or permit the
quired in advance, the Imluncc in four equal annual aspect, but exhibits an unevenne not iin- newspapers contain minute accounts of the looking up at the great dial, to observe sent course of life, he should have been tune of tho country nod its courts to he was
like fleecy clouds ot a scirrhous or mol- progress of the undertaking. Urns, va how many minutes Charles’ head was in better to live in the world; and were ho to ted, to gratify the malice or curiosity, or
j tied appearance, as if undergoing some ses, rings, senls, lamps, coins and domestic the flagon, und perhaps slily making a begin again he should do something else. the caprice of the unthinking and imperti
change of separation. This bright ii - instruments bate been found without num memorandum of his observations. The It seems to ho a Jaw of human nature, nent. There me many things whicii polite
Commissioners for laying off the town of Co irioti in some directions is abruptly termi ber, and a Professor lias been appointed Rhenish wine seems to run in his thoughts which none can gel over, that man should ness would not mention, and charily would
lumbus, and the Reserve at Coweta Falls. nated, and beyond ;t is seer, a fainter re and sent to the spot to direct the labors of a good deal, for he is perpetually lament ever be discontented with the situation in conceal, & 1 would not assist folly or mniig-
Columbus Jan 10, 1829.
gion of nebulosity, while other parts gra tlie workmen, and to see that proper care ing the necessity lie shall he under of los which he is placed, and envy one where he nity m making thorn public—I would not
dually fade into that which is more diluted, is taken of whatever lie may judge worthy ing this drink wlii'ii wc shall have returned would find no more satisfaction, and per as a man, and 1 will not as a judge. I hold
■HM/IEL be soltlin Laurens Comity, at the late
no bet of any kind about uny liuuian being
haps less ease.
T » residence of Reubin Hicks, deceased,on the till it subsides in the gloom of the neigh of preservation. In an account given by to England. In another letter he says:
is recoverable in n court of justice.”
“If you will know how 1 do, 1 think I
pth day of March next, all tiie personal property boring sky.
The plain matter of fact is, that every
him of the undertaking, iie supposes the
of said deceased, except negroes, consisting of
In these regions arc several minute placeto have been occupied with one btiild- shall forget all tongues but the Greek afore situation is a slavish one. If a man is
cattle, horses, hogs, and otherstock, household and
I come home. For understanding the 1- poor, and compelled to labor for a liveli
A young female, named Unit e
kitchen furniture, farming utensils, and a full set ot stars, one cluster of four, on the bright ingof great extent. Others who have sub
blacksmith tools, together with other articles, too part, of difterei.t colors, arranged in the sequently visited it say, that it is obviously talian, I am not well ; but surely I drink hood, that man cannot reasonably expect the nigh! of the Kith instant, rerinmaied her
tediunsto mention. Sale to continue from day to form of a trapezium ; live others in the a town or village with remnants of houses Dutch, better than I enn speak Dutch.— to live as he would live were he not com exlktepce by drowning, in the Itesin. The
duy until all is sold, and terms made known on fainter part of the nebula, in tlie direction of various sizes. As man;- urns of the Tell Mr. D. Mndcn,I will drink with him pelled so to labor; if lie follows his busi evening previous, she hail retired to.hikl,
V Mie day of sale.
of the southern horn ; other stars are scat Lower Empire have been picked up there, now a carouse of wine, and would to God ness as he should follow it, he must labor with another young female, at the house of
Jan, II, 1828.
97 td
tered in and near the nebula, some of it is thought that the town could not have he had a vessel of Rhenish wine. * * * hard and steadily, early and late, in season Mr. John Zimmerly, in (his borough, and
arose some time io tho night, unperceived
which tire surrounded with tlie same mil been overwhelmed at an earlier period Tell Henry Stilaud that [ am well acquaint and out of season—nothing short will en by
her eouipauioii or the family, and pro-
co-partnership heretofore subsistingbe- ky luminosity : one most striking peculi than the fourth century. Coins, however, ed with Andreas Vesulius, thut noble phy sure him a competency. It is not one kind
-Bb .Wv'seji tlie subscribers, under the firm of J. D. arity is observed relative to these stars, have been discovered of a date previous to sician, and, asVuhan truly snith, the best of trade or profession that makes a man reeded to one of the wharfs, ut the foot of
Fiench stieet, where, leaving her imtntlo
NlCIiOLS &.CO. is dissolved by mutual consent.
physician in the world, because he gives a slave, but it is the attention which ho be mnl shawl, she precipitated herself into (ha
All persons iudebted to said firm, are requested Unit the nebulous matter seems to recede tlie Christian era. Many of the vases are
from them, so as to leave a dark space lie- of the most beautiful antique forms, and the hit\\pitcher-meat enough. * * * Keep stows upon that business. Home men of Imsin. Hire was found early next inoming,
to make payment to Edmund C. Hathaway.
tween it and their brilliant points, as though rings tire engraved with inscripitous. A these letters secret.
tlie most simple culling in the world, sa-1 having drifted almost to the bhore. The de
This is the sage who, when lie visited crificc themselves upon tjic altar of appli ceased w«s about 2‘i years of a^e, anti was
the stars were either repelling the nebu letter from the Hague, which has appear
lous matter or absorbing it. This is par ed in a Loudon paper, speaking of a visit the Lady Jane Grey, mid found her read cation and industry, while others, who fol a native of Whitehall, N. V., from which
place she came here, where she lias resid
ticularly the case with those that form the paid by the writer to the place where the ing Plato, expressed his lieurt-felt satis low the most intricate handicraft work, ed about tvvo years. Hhe is represented ns
Mount Vernon, Ga. Oct. 1, 1828.
faction that there vvas one woman in the that demands more than all of their time, a young lady of tender feedings, amiable dis
trapezium ; a similar appearance may be excavations are making, says :
observed in Sagitnrius,—a nebula is bro
“The most interesting thing thut 1 ob world with seriousness enough to derive rise in the morning without care, und, re position and industrious habits, and res
4 A LI, persons are cautioned against trading for
four notes ot hand, given liv the subscriber to Cross ken into three parts, forming dark roads served was, ti human skeleton of u female, more comfort and pleasure from such a tire at ui'ilit without care. It is not the pected and beloved in families where she
R. Davis, to wits one dated some time in January through the luminous matter, leading to a of which the Professor gives tlie following hook, than in the amusement of hunting trade, but the man, who wearies the system; tins lived. Depression of spirits, accompa
or February last, for .¥85, due 25th of December centre in which is situated u beautiful dou account: “ The most extraordinary dis with the nobility in the park.
if lie do much of a less laborious employ nied by delicAto heuith anil moat probably
following; two for $3lj each, dated some time in
[Boston Daily Advertiser.
ment, it is equivalent to u smaller task of aggravated by other cuuses produced tem
November or December last, and due the 1st day ble Star. On one of the sides of the dark covery of all is that of a human skeleton,
porary insanity, which, according to the
harder work.
ot March next; and one tor $1350 cents, same date openings before referred to, in the nebula tlie uppermost half of which has been
Turkish Swordsmen.------The following
and due the 1st day of June next; as I have paid off of Orion, are filaments or fibres of light, found perfect in its original position. It
Mankind do wrong to keep up this con verdict of tlie jury, led to tlie fatal
[Erie Gaz.
said notes, or the greater part of them, and am de which appear as if extending themselves appears to lie that of a female, und is ly paragraph is from Von Vnlentiui’s Mili stant croaking. Tiie task of all is hard,
termined not to pay them again, unless compelled
und every one.knows it or ought to know
to the opposite side ; and on the sides of i ing with the head towards tin; east. Tlie tary Reflections on Turkey:
to do so by law.
Captain Jones, of the barque Catharine,
the head, in the direction of the northern left arm is in a position with thu hand up
“The superiority of the Turks in the it. Man was made to labor—business of states thut on Monday night, a decent dres
hu, 17.1829,
horn, are faint streams of light, not un on the stomach, ns if it were supportinga use of the sabre is founded partly on the one kind or another, is his element, and in sed man cume on his decks vociferating
GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court
like the tails of comets; closely atljoin- garment; the right hand rests opon the quality of the weapon .itself, and partly tin; discharge of its duties, he feels better
Hurrah for Jackson,” deliberately too$
of Laurens County, when sitting for ordinary
.iig to this nebula are several smaller.— bosom. Upon tlie throat, betvveecn the on wlu/t may he termed their national dex than in a continued state of idleness. By oil his coat, saying he intended to die for
Purposes, WILL BE" HOLD at die courthouse
door in Dublin, on the first Tuesday in March next, The whole sky for several degrees around cluviees, is a clothes clasp (/Linda), of the terity in using it. Tho Turkish sabre, indulgence lie unstrings tiie nerves and un Jackson, and threw himself into the river.
the NEGROES belonging to Eleanah Loften, late this constellation is not free from these ap shape commonly used by the Romans. On which is wrought out of fine iron wire, in fits the organs to perforin their proper func
The bystanders threw him a rope, which
af Laurens County, deceased, consisting of two
tions, and the mind, taking its tone from he took, crying “ Hurrah for jaekson.**
likely negro women, and a very likely girl, about
12 veurs old. Terms of sale made known on the spindle, the oilier of a circular form ; in on the left breast two loose clasps were would perhaps break to pieces, like glass, the body, is consequently disabled and un But as tlie boat approached, to take him
ETHEL!)RED THOMAS, Adm'r. tlie centre of the latter is u sniull star ; a found. The head and the elbows rest upon at tlie first blow. The Turk, on the con fit for enjoyment. Blue devils and hypo
in, lie swore lie would “ die for Jackson,”
Jan. 8, 1829.
5G t d
sniuller nebula, at the entrance of one of loose pieces of brick. This discovery is trary, who gives rather a cut than a blow, chondria follow—the mind becomes taint let go his hold, and was actually drolut
the dark openings, appears as if drawing the more remarkable, as the body lies with makes it penetrate through helmet, cui ed with melancholy...&the man who would ed !—Acw-Orlcans paper.
in the circumference of the building, near rass, &c. ami separates in a moment the not become a slave to his business, becomes
together into a star.
ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March
This is hut an imperfect description of to the best preserved hypucauttum, of the head or limbs from the body.—Hence we n double slave, to his indolence. Every
next, in the town of Greenesborough, agree
Eccentricities of No'Uketu-lotentilU at Noll*,
the present appearance of this magnificent central parts. There are some slight in seldom hear of slight wounds in an action \ movement is shackled, &. every necessary kein generally was when looking at works of an
ably loan order of the honorable tlie Inferior Court
of Richmond County, while sitting for ordinary phenomenon, as recently seen bv Her- dications that ush urns were also there.— of cavalry with the Turks. It is a well change of position or posture gives pain; cient art; in no instance, except when speaking of
purposes, a LOT OF LAND in said town, known
chel’s 20 feet reflecting telescope; there is The impression it left upon my inind wus, known fact in the Russian army, that n habit has chained him to a mental disease F l.ixntan, did be depreciate the productions of
and distinguished in the plan of srid town, by tlie
that it was the remains of some person of colonel, who was in front of his regiment, that will attend him to his grave, and be modern artists; on the contrary, lie lias frequent-
Wo. 11—eleven; and bounded as follows: on the everv reason to believe that it lias utidei-
felt in the last struggle of dissolving na ly'said, wlisn lie lias been solicited to model a Lust,
west, by main street; south, by lot No. 10—ten; east gone considerable changes since it was distinction, who had died a violent death, seeing tlie Spaliis make tin unexpected at
“ Go taClianiry ; he’s the man lor a bust; he’ll
by lot No. (58—sixty eight; and north by lot No. 12 first observed by Huygens, in 16oG. A most probably by the fall of a building ; tack on him, drew his sabre, mid was go ture. “ It’s a slavish life that we lead,” make u good liusto nce knew a maul has passed the House of Repre>eittaUr««.
In former astronomical papers, brief
sketches have been given of those won
ders in creation—subjects of n higher as
tronomy—which carry the mind beyond the
movements of this lower sphere, this re
mote province of the universe, to expa
tiate on the loftier pinnacles of the high
er heavens—systems of suns, performing
their revolutions about their common cen
Notices of tile sale of personal property must be giv tre of gravity, in vastly extended periods
en in like manner, f o r t y days previous to the day of of time—lost stars, those bodies which,
sale. Also, notice to the debtors and creditors of an after shining for ages, gradually disappear,
estate must be published for f o r t y days.
Notice that application will be made to the Court of and are no longer seen as glittering gouts
Ordiary for leave to sell land, must be published lor in tlie diadem of night—new stars, or
f o u r mo n t h s .
All business in the line of Printing, will meet with such us suddenly appear where no stars
were before observed, justifying the sus
prompt attention ut the R k c o r u k r O f f ic e .
' L e t t e r s (on business) must he post paid.
picion, that these latter are new creations
which have commenced their measured
' „
fBNIIE subscriber will take charge circling
_ way,
. till the appointed period nr
XT The R e c o r d e r is published weekly, on Hancock
street, nearly opposite the Masonic Hall, at THREE D o l -
* ‘ payable
_vni»le in
LARS per annum,
in advance, or F o u r D o l l a r s
if not paid before the end of the year. No paper sent out
of the State, to any new subscriber, without being first paid
for in a d v a n c e .
A d v e r t is e m e n t s conspicuously inserted at the usuaJ
rate®, Those sent without a specification of tlie number ol
insertions, will be published, until ordered out, and charged
. .
Sales of land and negroes, by Administrators, Executors,
or guardians, are required by law to be held on the first
Tuesday in the mouth, between the hours of ten in the fore
no m and three in the afternoon, at the Court-house of the
county in which the property is situate.—Notices of these
sales must be given in a public gazette s ix t y days previous
to tlie day of sale.
Notices for the sale or personal property must be given
in like manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale.—
Also, notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate must be
published for f o r t y days.
Vitce that application will be made to the Court of Ordina
ry for leave to sell laud, must be published for f o u r m o n t h s .
All business in the line of pr in t in g , will meet with
prompt lUet.t'ou at the R e c o r d e r O f f ic e .
L e t t e r s (on business) must be post-paid. _
:XT Our readers, in requestingthe direction of their pa
per changed from one Post Office to another, are desired, in
every instance, in making such requests,to inform us as well
of the name of the Post Office from which they desire it
changed, as iliat to which they may thereafter wish it sent.
McDonald, Randolph County, Alabama.
January 12, 1841._______________________ 52
undersigned has opened an office in this place, and
tenders his legal services to his friends and the public.
All business confided to him, will be attended to with prompt
ness and fidelity.
He will attend the following Courts regularly; Baldwin,
Morgan, Greene, Putnam, Wilkinson, Jones and Jasper, of
the Ocmulgee circuit; Twiggs, of the Southern, and Han
cock, of the Northern circuit; and, during the recess of the
circuit, other counties not too distant, in the arrangement of
claims placed in his hands.
Milledgeville, Geo., Jun. 19, 1841.
1 H
r ef er en c es .
Hon. George R. Gilmer, Col. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Lex
ington, Geo.
lion. William C. Dawson, Greensborough, Geo.
Hon. E. A. NiEbet, Macon. Geo.
James McDowall, Esq , Egbert B. Beall, Esq., Augusta,
Hon. James M. Wayne, Andrew Low &. Co., James An
derson & Co., Savannah, Geo.
Wiley, Lane & Co , Charleston, S. C.
Leroy M. Wiley & Co., New York.______ _____________
T r
a n s po r t a t io n
O f f ic e ,?
Augusta, Nov. 12,* 1840.
Nov. 17—44
N o t e . —Freight on Cotton from Augusta to Savannah,
from 50 to 75 cents per bale. From .Augusta to Charleston,
25 cents per 100 pounds, for square, 35 cents for round bales.
CP Federal Union will copy.
HE subscribers have purchased a Planta
tion on the river immediately at Hawkins-
ville, and have taken the Hawkinsville Hotel
and united their interests in Planting and Tav
ern-keeping. The Hotel is now being repair
ed, and will, by the 15tli inst., be in readiness for the recep
tion of boarders and travellers. In the management of this
Hotel, we deem promises regarding what we will do as use
less. We hope, however, to be able to satisfy the boarder
and traveller that we are always doing the best in our power
for their comfort and accommodation. As “ times are hard,”
and piovisions lower than formerly, we intend to reduce the
price of board and charges against Travellers from former
prices here, and hope, by tlie strict attention of ourselves
and families, to merit a portion of public patronage.
Hawkinsville, Geo., Dec. 15, 1840.
48 9ts
S a v a n n a h , (Geo.)
tenders Ins services to liis friends
and the public generally, in purchasing, receiving and
forwarding Goods; receiving and selling Cotton, and other
All business entrusted to him, will have prompt atten
tion after 1st August next, at which time liis office will be
June 23,1840.
23 tf
Warc-IIousc and Commission Business.
HE undersigned most respectfully so
licit of their friends and the public
generally, a share of their business in Sa
vannah, where they have now erecting,
near the Railroad Depot, a commodious
Ware-House, for the accommodation of cotiui.,
EONIDAS KING, Attorney at Law, Fort Gaines, Geo.,
ing and forwarding goods.
J will continue to practice in the courts of the South
They pledge themselves to give their undivided attention
western circuit in Georgia, of Henry and Barbour counties, to business, and hope, from long experience, to render gene
Alabama, and Jackson and Gadsden counties, Florida. All
ral satisfaction in promoting the interest of their friends.
business entrusted to his management will meet with prompt
Savannah, Ga., August 1st, 1840.
r ef er en c es .
His Excellency, Charles J. McDonald, Milledgeville.
CJ5 I take this opportunity for returning my thanks to my
Hon. Marshall J. Wellborn, Judge of the Chattahoochee
former patrons, and hope they will continue their kind favors,
circuit, Columbus.
so liberally bestowed in Augusta, towards the above firm in
Hon. William Taylor, Judge of the Southwestern circuit,
Fort Gaines.
Aug. 1,1840.
29 tf
Hon. Lott Warren, Talmyra.
Messrs. Warren & Scarborough, Perry.
To Rail-Road Contractors and Farmers.
Poe A Nisbet, Nisbet. Hines & Blake, Col. Henry
N THURSDAY, the 11th day of February next, will
G. Lamar, Macon.
be sold in tlie town of Marietta, Cobb county, Georgia,
Gen. John N. Williamson, Covington.
January 12, 1841. 52 mtf
tlie following property, to wit:
Twenty Horses and Mules, in good condition.
Three yoke of working Oxen.
rfMIE undersigned will practice in the counties of the
One Family Carriage, with harness for one or two horses
Ocmulgee circuit, Hancock of the Northern, and New
One Sulkey and harness
ton of the Flint ciicuit. Office at Eatonton. Geo.
Four fine riding Saddles and Bridles.
Six Wagons, in good order, two of which are of Virginia
Eatonton, Dec. 29, 1840.
50 lOts
The Augusta Sentinel will publish the above until the 1st
Eight Rail-road Carts—two Ox Carts.
of March next._______ _____ _______________ J. A. W.
One dozen Wheelbarrows.
Twenty sets of wagon, and ten do. of rail-road cart Harness
Three rail road Ploughs.
One patent cylindrical Straw Cutter.
Rainbridgc, Decatur county, Ga.
Two hundred pair of Blankets, with a large quantity of
Mattresses, Bedticks. Comforts, Ac.
ILL practice in the several Courts of the counties in
A quantity of ready made Clothing, Groceries, Ac.
the South-Western and Southern Circuits.
One hundred and fifty kegs of Powder—four hundred feet
January 26, 1841.
2 14t
ofChain, suitable for hoisting heavy rock, or for log chains, Ac.
One set of Blacksmith’s Tools—a lot of Edge Tools.
A large amount of quarrying tools: such as Picks, Mat-
Shovels. Hammers, Drills, Ac.
ILL practice in the counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
A lot of W agon Boxes, with a large lot or oovsing vten-
and in Cobb and Carroll of the Coweta Circuit. Of
sils, a portion of which are new ; and various other articles
fice at Van Wert, Paulding co.
too tedious to mention.
August 11. 1840- _____________ __ _______
30 tf
The whole offering is an opportunity to purchasers well
worthy of their attention.
T e r m s —Payments will be received in current bank notes
R o m e , December 30, 1840.
of the different banks of this state; also, 6tate scrip, at its
RDERED, That the Stockholders in this Bank be re
prices current, will be taken for all articles purchased.
quired to pay ten dollars per share on the stock held by
them respectively, on or before the fifteenth of March next
January 19, 1841.
1 tds
By order of the board.
R. A. GREENE, Cashier.
niatiiie Yarn and Ware-Room.
January 12, 1841._____________ ta
S. C., having established a branch of their business in
copartnership in manufacturing wheat fans, here-
Savannah, Geo., at the corners of St. Julian, Congress and
X tofore existing between the undersigned, by the style
Montgomery streets, fronting the square above the market,
of V a n P e l t , W il s o n A M c M il l a n , was dissolved by
beg leave to inform the citizens of Savannah, and the public
generally, that they are prepared to execute, with neatness
general consent on the 15th inst.
and despatch, all orders for Mantles, Grave Stones, Brown
Stone, Granite and Paving.
They trust, by punctuality and attention to the above busi
Houston county. Jan. 26, 1841___________________ 2 3t*
ness, ts» be able to give satisfaction, and merit a share of pub
lic patronage.
Dec. £2, 1840—49 14ts
HE undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and
Cnllodcn JIale and Female Academies, and
the public, that he will continue the Commission busi
Migourney Institute.
ness in Savannah next door to Fort, Clopton A Co., and
HE Trustees of the above Institutions take pleasure in
wiil be pleased to serve them in that capacity. Orders for
announcing to the public, that they have procured the
services for the next year of Mr. M a s o n , author of the
family supplies will be filled free of commissions.
1 *
Southern Class Book, a gentleman of high literary attain
ments, and eminently qualified by long experience, to take
January 5, 1841.
51 9ts
charge of tlie Male Academy, who will teach the Languages
One Hundred nud Fifty Hollars Reward.
and various branches of Science preparatory for liis pupils
entering College. Also, Mr. J a m e s W e l l s and Lady, as
ANAWAY from Thomas county, some time in the
. month of June last, a man who assigns his name Dr. T.
Principals in the Female Academy and Sigourney Institute.
J. F r a n k l in M it c h e l l , who is believed to have been con Mr. W e l l s and lady come highly recommended for their
cerned in the murder of Benjamin Willis’s family, in the
high literary attainments, moral worth, and experience in
county of Doolv. Said Mitchell is a man of quite bad coun
teaching Females. They teach all the various branches of
tenance, bis arm was wounded and wore a band constantly ;
Literature, and the Ornamental, Music, Perspective Draw
his supposed age is 40 to 50 years stout and heavy built, will
ing, and Painting in Colors, Mezzotinto, and on Velvet,
wejgh from 160 to 180 pounds. The above reward will be
Needle-work and Wax Flowers.
paid to any person who will deliver the said Mitchell to the
R e f e r e n c e s .—Rev. Mr. S. J. Cassels, Hon. E. A. Nis
Sheriff of Irwin county, Ga.
bet, Macon; Rev. Doctor Golding, Rev. R. T. Marks, Co
lumbus; Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, Jasper county; Dr. Ken
Nov. 3, 1840
____________ __ _________ 42 14t
dall, Upson county ; Dr. J. Harvey, Knoxville, Crawford co.
The Schools will commence on the second Monday in
January, 1841. Board can be had iii good families at $10
ANAWAY from the subscriber near Newborn, Newton
per month. Price of Tuition per term of 22 weeks—
county, some time in January last a negro fellow by the
First Class Literary Studies....................$16 00
name of Ned, between twenty five and thirty years old,
Second Class
......................12 00
about six feet high, round shouldered, thin visage with a
Third Class
do.................................... 7 00
small scar between his eyes, and generally wears beard under
And the usual prices for the Ornamental Branches.
his chin, and when frightened he has an impediment in his
speech, He was apprehended on the 23d and escaped again
Nov, 2, 1840.
45 lit
on the 24th ult. When lie left, he wore a dark over coat
and a straw hat. A reasonable reward will be given to any
one who will apprehend said buy so that I get him again.
N this place, two Store-Houses—one, forty feet by twenty,
new and in good order for business; the other, twenty by
January 5th 1841.
51 5t
thirty—situated convenient for a grocery, where the old Ala
bama road crosses the Fayetteville and Macon road. No
doubt but any gentleman wishing to
T» UN AW AY from the subscriber, on the 30th November,
XX a Negro woman, named Maria, about 28 years old.
She is a tall, brown skin woman very likely. Any person
apprehending her, or securing her in jail, so that I can get
her, shall receive the above reward from me.
Putnam countv, Dec. 28,1840.
50 tf
LDRIDGE’S B a l m o f C o l u m b ia f o r t h e H a ir .—
Its positive qualities are as follows :
1st—For infants, keeping the head free from scurf and
causing a luxuriant growth of hair.
2d—For ladies after ehild-birth, restoring the skin to its
natural strength aud firmness, and preventing the (ailing out
of the hair.
3d—For at]y person recovering from any debility, the same
effect is produced.
4th—If used in infancy till a good growth is started, it may
be pieservedby attention to the latest period of life.
5th It frees the head from dandruff, strengthens the roots,
imparts health and vigor to the circulation, and prevents the
liair from changing colour or getting gray.
6th—It causes (he hair to curl beautifully when done up
in it over night.
OCF3 No ladies toilet should ever be made without it.
7th—Children who have l,y any means contracted vermin
in the head, are immediately and perfectly cured of them by
its use. It is infallible.
For sale at the drug store of C o m s t o CK A Co., No. 2,
Fletcher street, New-York.
LOOK OUT. — Some swindlers hare counterfeited the article,
and put it up with various devices. Do not be imposed upon.
One thing only will protect you—it is the name of COM
STOCK A CO.; that name must be always on the wrapper, or
you are cheated. Do not forget it. Take this direction with
you, and test by that, or never buy': for it is impossible f0r
any other to be true or genuine.
Sold by COMSTOCK. A CO., 2, Fletcher street. N. Y.
" Caution” is the Parent of Safety.
An attack ofthe “ P il e s ” may be positively prevented by
using (when the premonitory symptoms are felt) the cele
brated HAYS’ LINIMENT. There are more than one
hundred people in this city, and in the United States an im
mense number, who have suffered beyond endurance by this
dreadful complaint, who keep themselves wholly free from
attacks by applying this Liniment when they feel any symp
toms of its approach: of this there is the most perfect proof.
KF None Genuine without the name of C o m s t o c k A Co.,
written on the wrappers.
(Up The above genuine articles for sale at Dr. Little’s
Drug Store, Milledgeville.
January 6, 1841.
51 26t
The Union-Recorder
Th s s the first t me we see
mages on the front These
are draw ngs/render ngs but
t made qu te the d fference
w th read ng the paper
Freight Reduced on Ihe
N CONSEQUENCE of the shortness of the Crop, the
Freight on Cotton, after the 22d of November, will be
reduced to One Dollar and Twenty five Cents per Bale from
Buckhead (6 miles east of Madison) to Augusta.
Merchants and Planters who wish their UP Freight re
tained at Buckhead, for their wagons, will instruct the Agent
at that place (G. H. T h o m ps o n ) to that effect, or have their
goods marked “ own wagon.”
Freight on Merchandise of all descriptions, from Augusta
to Buckhead, 40 cents per 100 pounds
Superinteudant of Transportation.
Th s s the first t me we see
The Un on-Recorder mast-
head The The and the -
were added n modern t mes
not ce the font and per od
at the end -- t was common
dur ng the t me per od