Union County, Blairsville, Georgia Holiday 2022 + Winter 2023 | Page 16

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Page 16 � Union County GA Magazine � Holiday 2022 Winter 2023

Holidays www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary

All Saint ' s Day on Nov . 1 honors and recognizes all of the saints of the Christian church , many of which were martyrs . Election Day Not a traditional holiday , Election Day in November is considered an important day for American citizens who care about their freedom to chose who they wish to be in charge of the government from local
1 cities and c o un ties to the legislators in the state General Assembly and Governor ’ s seat to those who serve in Congress and the White House . Election Day is held in November on the first Tuesday of the month after the first Monday of month . In recent years , early voting days were created to allow more people time to vote . Veterans Day Veterans ' s Day honors all members of the Armed Forces - Army , Air Force , Marines , Navy , Coast Guard - who serve the United States of America . They stand ready to protect the nation and preserve the way of life Americans have grown to expect . Veterans give their time and talent and effort . Many have been involved in combat and many have made the ultimate sacrifice .
The holiday was originally known as Armistice Day and was first celebrated in 1921 .
On November 11 at 11:11 ( the eleventh month , eleventh day , eleventh hour , eleventh minute ) in 1921 the United States , England and France each buried an unknown soldier in honor of those who died in World War I . This began the annual Armistice Day holiday . The time and day was picked because fighting ceased in World War I in 1918 on November 11 at 11:11 .
President Eisenhower changed the day to Veterans Day in 1954 . Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day annual national holiday in the United States celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past
By Norm Cooper Editor , Union County GA Magazine
year . Americans generally believe Thanksgiving is from a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists ( Pilgrims ) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people . Plymouth ’ s Thanksgiving began with a few colonists going out “ fowling ,” possibly for turkeys but more probably for the easier prey of geese and ducks . Pearl Harbor Day U . S . President Franklin D . Roosevelt spoke to a Joint Session of the U . S . Congress on Dec . 8 , 1941 , one day after an enemy attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii . Dec . 7th is known as Pearl Harbor Day . President Roosevelt described the previous day as " a date which will live in infamy ". Congress passed a formal declaration of war against Japan and officially brought the U . S . into World War II . The address is one of the most famous of all American political speeches .
Wright Brothers Day
Wright Brothers Day is celebrated in the United States on Dec . 17 each year to commemorate the Wright brothers ' first s u c c e s s f u l
5 flight in h e a vi e r - than-air , mechanically propelled craft , accomplished on December 17 , 1903 , near Kitty Hawk , North Carolina .
Many places in America make the fake claim that their town was the place of the first aircraft to fly , however , all of those claims have been debunked and proven untrue . Christmas Day Christmas Day is one of the most celebrated Christian holidays in many countries in the world . Christmas trees , decorations , festive traditions , singing Christmas songs , going to parties , church events , Nativity scenes , celebrations in communities , parades , Christmas cards and Christmas presents are all part of the commemoration of Christmas .
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New Year ’ s Day New Year ' s Day is literally the first day of a new year . Many
Continued on Page 17


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Left to right : Drew Williams , Pam Jordan , Chris Collins , Amy Gessmann , Betsy Mull , Scott Carter
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