Unified Fire Authority 2024-2025 Employee Benefit Guide | Page 51

Unified Fire Authority
Premium Assistance Under Medicaid and the Children ’ s Health Insurance Program ( CHIP )
If you or your children are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP and you ’ re eligible for health coverage from your employer , your state may have a premium assistance program that can help pay for coverage , using funds from their Medicaid or CHIP programs . If you or your children aren ’ t eligible for Medicaid or CHIP , you won ’ t be eligible for these premium assistance programs but you may be able to buy individual insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace . For more information , visit www . healthcare . gov .
If you or your dependents are already enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP and you live in a state listed below , contact your State Medicaid or CHIP office to find out if premium assistance is available .
If you or your dependents are not currently enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP , and you think you or any of your dependents might be eligible for either of these programs , contact your State Medicaid or CHIP office or dial 877 . KIDS . NOW or www . insurekidsnow . gov to find out how to apply . If you qualify , ask your state if it has a program that might help you pay the premiums for an employersponsored plan .
If you or your dependents are eligible for premium assistance under Medicaid or CHIP , as well as eligible under your employer plan , your employer must allow you to enroll in your employer plan if you aren ’ t already enrolled . This is called a “ special enrollment ” opportunity , and you must request coverage within 60 days of being determined eligible for premium assistance . If you have questions about enrolling in your employer plan , contact the Department of Labor at www . askebsa . dol . gov or call 866.444 . EBSA ( 3272 ).
If you live in one of the following states , you may be eligible for assistance paying your employer health plan premiums . The following list of states is current as of January 31 , 2024 . Contact your state for more information on eligibility .
ALABAMA – Medicaid http :// myalhipp . com 855.692.5447 ALASKA – Medicaid The AK Health Insurance Premium Payment Program http :// myakhipp . com / | 866.251.4861 CustomerService @ MyAKHIPP . com Medicaid Eligibility : https :// health . alaska . gov / dpa / Pages / default . aspx ARKANSAS – Medicaid http :// myarhipp . com 855 . MyARHIPP ( 855.692.7447 ) CALIFORNIA – Medicaid Health Insurance Premium Payment ( HIPP ) Program http :// dhcs . ca . gov / hipp 916.445.8322 | Fax : 916.440.5676 | Email : hipp @ dhcs . ca . gov COLORADO – Medicaid and CHIP Health First Colorado ( Colorado ’ s Medicaid Program ) https :// www . healthfirstcolorado . com Member Contact Center : 800.221.3943 | State Relay 711 Child Health Plan Plus ( CHP +) https :// www . colorado . gov / pacific / hcpf / child-health-plan-plus Customer Service : 800.359.1991 | State Relay 711 Health Insurance Buy-In Program ( HIBI ) https :// www . colorado . gov / pacific / hcpf / health-insurance-buy-program HIBI Customer Service : 855.692.6442 FLORIDA – Medicaid www . flmedicaidtplrecovery . com / flmedicaidtplrecovery . com / hipp / index . html 877.357.3268 GEORGIA – Medicaid GA HIPP Website : https :// medicaid . georgia . gov / health-insurance-premium-payment-program-hipp 678.564.1162 , Press 1 GA CHIPRA Website : https :// medicaid . georgia . gov / programs / third-party-liability / childrens-health-insurance-program-reauthorization-act-2009-chipra 678.564.1162 , Press 2 INDIANA – Medicaid Healthy Indiana Plan for low-income adults 19-64 http :// www . in . gov / fssa / hip / | 877.438.4479 All other Medicaid https :// www . in . gov / medicaid / | 800.457.4584
IOWA – Medicaid and CHIP ( Hawki ) Medicaid : https :// dhs . iowa . gov / ime / members | 800.338.8366 Hawki : http :// dhs . iowa . gov / Hawki | 800.257.8563 HIPP : https :// dhs . iowa . gov / ime / members / medicaid-a-to-z / hipp | 888.346.9562 KANSAS – Medicaid https :// www . kancare . ks . gov / 800.792.4884 | HIPP Phone : 800.967.4660 KENTUCKY – Medicaid Kentucky Integrated Health Insurance Premium Payment Program ( KI-HIPP ): https :// chfs . ky . gov / agencies / dms / member / Pages / kihipp . aspx 855.459.6328 | KIHIPP . PROGRAM @ ky . gov KCHIP : https :// kynect . ky . gov | 877.524.4718 Medicaid : https :// chfs . ky . gov / agencies / dms LOUISIANA – Medicaid www . medicaid . la . gov or www . ldh . la . gov / lahipp 888.342.6207 ( Medicaid hotline ) or 855.618.5488 ( LaHIPP ) MAINE – Medicaid Enrollment : https :// www . mymaineconnection . gov / benefits / s /? language = en _ US 800.442.6003 | TTY : Maine relay 711 Private Health Insurance Premium : https :// www . maine . gov / dhhs / ofi / applications-forms 800.977.6740 | TTY : Maine relay 711 MASSACHUSETTS – Medicaid and CHIP https :// www . mass . gov / masshealth / pa 800.862.4840 | TTY : 711 | Email : masspremassistance @ accenture . com MINNESOTA – Medicaid https :// mn . gov / dhs / people-we-serve / children-and-families / health-care / health-careprograms / programs-and-services / other-insurance . jsp 800.657.3739 MISSOURI – Medicaid http :// www . dss . mo . gov / mhd / participants / pages / hipp . htm 573.751.2005 MONTANA – Medicaid http :// dphhs . mt . gov / MontanaHealthcarePrograms / HIPP 800.694.3084 | Email : HHSHIPPProgram @ mt . gov
NEBRASKA – Medicaid
http :// www . ACCESSNebraska . ne . gov Phone : 855.632.7633 | Lincoln : 402.473.7000 | Omaha : 402.595.1178