Unified Fire Authority 2024-2025 Employee Benefit Guide | Page 39

Unified Fire Authority
Critical Illness
Insured by Aflac
Aflac can help ease the financial stress of surviving a critical illness .
While a major medical plan may pay for a good portion of the costs associated with a critical illness , there are a lot of expenses that may not be covered . And , during recovery , having to worry about out-of-pocket expenses is the last thing anyone needs .
That ’ s the benefit of an Aflac Group Critical Illness plan . It can help with the treatment costs of covered critical illnesses , such as a heart attack or stroke .
More importantly , the plan helps you focus on recuperation instead of the distraction of out-of-pocket costs . With the Critical Illness plan , you receive cash benefits directly — giving you the flexibility to help pay bills related to treatment or to help with everyday living expenses .
The plan has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable . Refer to your certificate for complete details , definitions , limitations , and exclusions .
Covered Dependents Receive 50 % of Your Benefit Amount Covered Critical Illnesses
Cancer ( Internal or Invasive )
100 %
Heart Attack ( Myocardial Infarction )
100 %
Benign Brain Tumor
100 %
100 %
100 %
Stroke ( Ischemic or Hemorrhagic )
100 %
Major Organ Transplant
100 %
Kidney Failure ( End Stage Renal Failure )
100 %
Bone Marrow Transplant ( Stem Cell Transplant )
100 %
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
100 %
Severe Burns *
100 %
Paralysis **
100 %
Coma **
100 %
Loss of Speech / Sight / Hearing **
100 %
Childhood Conditions : Cystic Fibrosis , Cerebral Palsy , Cleft
Lip , Down Syndorome , PKU , Spina Bifida , Type 1 Diabetes
50 %
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
25 %
Carcinoma in Situ
25 %
Alzheimer ’ s
25 %
Parkinson ’ s
25 %
Autism Spectrum Disorder ( One Time Benefit Amount )
$ 3,000
* This benefit is only payable for a burn due to , caused by , and attributed to , a covered accident . ** These benefits are payable for loss due to a covered underlying disease or a covered accident .
Initial Diagnosis Aflac will pay a lump sum benefit upon initial diagnosis of a covered critical illness when such diagnoses is caused by or solely attributed to an underlying disease . Cancer diagnoses are subject to the cancer diagnosis limitation . Benefits will be based on the face amount in effect on the critical illness date of diagnosis .
Additional Diagnosis Aflac will pay benefits for each different critical illness after the first when the two dates of diagnoses are separated by at least six consecutive months . Cancer diagnoses are subject to the cancer diagnosis limitation .
Reoccurrence Aflac will pay benefits for the same critical illness after the first when the two dates of diagnoses are separated by at least six consecutive months . Cancer diagnoses are subject to the cancer diagnosis limitation .
Skin Cancer Benefit Aflac will pay $ 250 for the diagnosis of skin cancer . We will pay this benefit once per calendar year .
Premium Rates Employee Non-Tobacco Monthly Premiums
Age $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 18-29 $ 5.43 $ 7.84 $ 10.25 $ 12.66 $ 15.07 $ 17.48 30-39 $ 7.15 $ 11.27 $ 15.40 $ 19.53 $ 23.65 $ 27.78 40-49 $ 11.35 $ 19.69 $ 28.02 $ 36.35 $ 44.69 $ 53.02 50-59 $ 19.50 $ 35.98 $ 52.45 $ 68.93 $ 85.41 $ 101.89 60 + $ 34.90 $ 66.78 $ 98.66 $ 130.54 $ 162.42 $ 194.30
Spouse Non-Tobacco Monthly Premiums
Age $ 5,000 $ 7,500 $ 10,000 $ 12,500 $ 15,000 18-29 $ 5.43 $ 6.63 $ 7.84 $ 9.04 $ 10.25 30-39 $ 7.15 $ 9.21 $ 11.27 $ 13.34 $ 15.40 40-49 $ 11.35 $ 15.52 $ 19.69 $ 23.85 $ 28.02 50-59 $ 19.50 $ 27.74 $ 35.98 $ 44.21 $ 52.45 60 + $ 34.90 $ 50.84 $ 66.78 $ 82.72 $ 98.66
Employee Tobacco Monthly Premiums
Age $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 18-29 $ 6.54 $ 10.07 $ 13.59 $ 17.12 $ 20.64 $ 24.17 30-39 $ 9.66 $ 16.29 $ 22.93 $ 29.56 $ 36.20 $ 42.83 40-49 $ 16.35 $ 29.68 $ 43.02 $ 56.35 $ 69.68 $ 83.01 50-59 $ 29.96 $ 56.90 $ 83.83 $ 110.77 $ 137.71 $ 164.65 60 + $ 53.18 $ 103.35 $ 153.51 $ 203.67 $ 253.83 $ 304.00
Spouse Tobacco Monthly Premiums
Age $ 5,000 $ 7,500 $ 10,000 $ 12,500 $ 15,000 18-29 $ 6.54 $ 8.31 $ 10.07 $ 11.83 $ 13.59 30-39 $ 9.66 $ 12.97 $ 16.29 $ 19.61 $ 22.93 40-49 $ 16.35 $ 23.02 $ 29.68 $ 36.35 $ 43.02 50-59 $ 29.96 $ 43.43 $ 56.90 $ 70.37 $ 83.83 60 + $ 53.18 $ 78.26 $ 103.35 $ 128.43 $ 153.51