Unident Kirurgikatalog Implantat Edition | Página 2

To Aesthetics Preservation Is Key To Aesthetics Preservation Is Key Traditional challenges to To Aesthetics aesthetic outcomes: Traditional challenges to ATT BEVARA ÄR NYCKELN aesthetic outcomes: TILL GOD challenges ESTETIK to Traditional aesthetic outcomes: Traditionella utmaningar för ett lyckat estetiskt resultat: Delayed Osseointegration Implants lacking a complex 1 Delayed Osseointegration surface topography and primary stability require more time for Implants lacking a 2 complex osseointegration. LÅNGSAM OSSEOINTEGRATION 1 surface topography and primary Delayed Osseointegration Implantat som har en mindre stability require more komplex yta behöver längre time tid for Implants lacking a 2 2 complex 1, osseointegration. för osseointegration. 1 surface topography and primary stability require more time for osseointegration. 2 Peri-implantitis The prevalence of implants PERIIMPLANTIT Peri-implantitis experiencing peri-implantitis Förekomsten av implantat med PeriiImplatit has been reported in har rapporterats i 12% av excess alla implantat fall. 3,4 The prevalence of implants of 12%. 3,4 experiencing peri-implantitis Peri-implantitis has been reported in excess The prevalence of implants 3,4 of 12%. experiencing peri-implantitis has been reported in excess of 12%. 3,4 BENFÖRLUST Crestal Bone Loss Benförlust kan uppgå till 1.5 mm första året i Average funktion, vilket kan ge en sämre förutsättning implant crestal för god estetik. 5 Crestal Bone Loss bone remodeling can exceed Introducing The Introducing To The Designed Deliver Aesthetic Introducing Results Through Tissue Preservation Designed To The Deliver Aesthetic Results Through Tissue Preservation Designed To Deliver Aesthetic Results Through Tissue Preservation t3 implantat T3 implantatet representerar vår mest avancerade ytteknologi – utvecklad för att ge en långvarig estetik genom att bevara hård och mjukvävnad. T3 implantatet har en differentierad ytstruktur, som i pre-kliniska studier ger T3 implantatet med DCD ® teknologi en förstärkt inläkning jämnfört med implantat som har en mindre komplex ytstruktur. Contemporary Hybrid Surface Contemporary • Provided by complex Hybrid Surface multi-surface topography Contemporary • Provided by complex Hybrid Surface Designad för att ge bästa estetik multi-surface topography Seal – Integrity genom att bevara befintlig vävnad. • Provided by complex • Provided by a topography stable and tight multi-surface DIFFERENTIERAD YTA Seal Integrity implant /abutment interface • Genom en komplex ytstruktur • Provided by a stable and tight Seal Integrity MINSKAR MIKROLÄCKAGE implant /abutment interface Integrated Platform • Genom den unika distans- • Provided by a stable med and tight anslutningen Platform Switch Switching implant /abutment interface Integrated Platform • Provided by a medialized PLATFORM SWITCH Switching • Välj själv med eller utan implant/abutment junction Integrated Platform Platform Switch • Provided by a medialized Switching implant/abutment junction • Provided by a medialized implant/abutment junction BIOMET erbjuder lösningar för att hjälpa dig och dina patienter uppnå ett vackert, tryggt och hälsosamt leende. 1.5mm following the first Average implant crestal year of function, leading to bone remodeling can exceed Crestal Bone aesthetics. Loss 5 compromised 1.5mm following the first Average implant crestal 1. Sullivan DY, Sherwood RL, Porter SS. Long-term to performance of OSSEOTITE® Implants: A 6-year follow-up. Compendium. 2001 Apr;Vol.22, No.4. | 2. Javed F, Romanos GE. The role of primary stability for year of function, leading bone remodeling can exceed successful immediate loading of dental implants. A compromised aesthetics. 5 literature review. J Dent. 2010 Aug;38(8):612-20. Epub 2010 Jun 11. Review. | 3. Fransson C, Lekholm U, Jemt T, Berglundh T. Prevalence of subjects with progressive bone loss following at implants. Clinical Implants Research. 2005;16:440–446. | 4. Zitzmann NU, Berglundh T. Definition and prevalence of peri-implant diseases. J Clin Perio. 2008;35:286–291. | 1.5mm the Oral first 5. Lazzara RJ,† Porter SS. Platform Switching: A new concept in implant dentistry for controlling post restorative crestal bone levels. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2006;26:9-17. year of function, leading to compromised aesthetics. 5 SIDAN | 8