Unfazed Magazine Winter 2017 - Ones to Watch | Page 2

Cruisr-Page15 leterfromtheeditor

Thisisthefirstseasonalisueputoutby TwentenMagazine , andIamsoproudand thankfulforalthepeoplewhocontributed tothisisue , whetheritwasthrough photographyorinterviews . Sototheteam , thankyousomuchforthetimeandefort youputintothisisueandthesite . Asfor thereaders , Ihopethatthroughthe interviewsinthisisuewithCulverand HanahMoroz , youwilbeinspiredtogofor yourdreamsanddoalyoucantoachieve them . Everybodyiscapableofdoingwhat they love , and nobody should fel discouragedorscaredtogoforit , andthat isisexactlywhatTwentenisalabout . Thank youtowhoeverreadsthisandsuportsthis publication , youmeantheworldtous < 3

-KaylaMartinez , Editor & Photographer 1 Twenteen teammemberswho workedonthisissue


Lifestyle : ShrutiAdusumili , Yvete

Aispuro Concert : KaylaMartinez , HanahGent Fashion : ShrutiAdusumili , Kayla



Interviews : ZoeNixon

MusicReview : KaylaMartinez , Hanah Gent

@ twenteenmagazine

@ twenteenthemag twentenmag . wordpres . com