Understanding Vehicular Manslaughter 1 | Page 3

• Vehicular manslaughter with ordinary negligence – occurs when a driver was not necessarily negligent OR, simply failed to use reasonable caution while driving intoxicated them being long-time imprisonment plus expensive fines. In the state of Florida for example, DUI manslaughter charges may include 15 to 20 years in prison. DUI Manslaughter Types Of Though different in every state, there are two main kinds of DUI manslaughter: • Vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence – happens when a driver is proven to have shown extreme recklessness while under the influence. It's possible to be charged with DUI manslaughter even if you were NOT driving. Simply being involved in a road accident wherein someone (either the person on the other vehicle or your passenger) dies puts you at risk of a vehicular homicidal charge. For example: the road accident doesn't lead to any fatalities BUT during hospitalization, a victim eventually passes away. This could still be grounds for DUI homicide.