Understanding PTSD | Page 13

Be patient and understanding. PTSD can be very difficult to explain to others, and often prompts unusual behavior and mood swings. Helping someone through PTSD requires patience and perseverance. It’s important to have perspective and remain understanding, though not opening yourself up to abuse.

Offer emotional support and encouragement. Even if your loved one isn’t ready to talk or has a hard time articulating their emotions, just being there for support means a lot. Try writing encouraging notes, planning fun activities and spending quality time.

Be prepared. Understanding PTSD and the symptoms is essential to helping a loved one overcome it. Try to anticipate and prepare for PTSD triggers before they happen.

Remind your loved one there is hope. For those with PTSD, time and treatment are key to moving forward with their lives. Encourage him or her to get help and stay consistent with treatment.

Share this eBook. If you suspect your loved one may be struggling with PTSD, share this eBook.

Take care of yourself. In many situations in life, being strong for a friend or loved one who is dealing with life issues can be draining. That’s why it’s important to take care of yourself emotionally and physically. If you need someone to talk to, our HopeCoaches are standing by to chat online at TheHopeLine.com.