Understanding Lying August 2022 | Page 18

A Spiritual Perspective on Lying

Life is complicated, and a solid lie sometimes seems like the easiest option for everyone. "What they don't know won't hurt them" is the lie we tell ourselves to justify fudging the truth. In reality, though, lying hurts you. Ultimately, it destroys your sense of self because:

A) Even when nobody else knows you're lying, you know you can't be trusted. Losing trust in yourself is the beginning of a hard road in life.

B) Every piece of truth you keep to yourself is a missed opportunity for connection. Eventually, you'll end up incredibly lonely, since nobody will be able to know the real you that you've never truly shared.

Here at TheHopeLine, we care about you and want to help you navigate difficult situations like dealing with lying and underlying issues related to it.

No matter what you're facing, God loves you. You are valued and worthy of respect and forgiveness in His eyes. In fact, forgiveness is His whole thing... Romans 8 even starts out with:

"There is therefore now no more condemnation for those in Jesus Christ." You won't be judged or shunned for the mistakes you've made. To the contrary, God wants to help you solve your problems. How?

You are loved and accepted, regardless of what has happened in your past or your current struggles. God wants to see you discover your true self-worth and identity in Him, so that you can live an abundant life.