Understanding Lying August 2022 | Page 12

Talk About it. Start the conversation by discussing your feelings, like “I’m concerned/sad/frustrated about [insert situation or example of lying], and I want to talk about it with you.” By being open and honest, you can help create an environment where they feel they too can begin to be honest.

Avoid being judgemental or attacking them. If your friend or loved one admits to struggling with lying, be supportive and ask them about how they are working toward change. Let him/her know you offer understanding and encourage them to continue building trust in themselves and with others.

Offer accountability and forgiveness. Although you may be ready to talk about lying and help put an end to it, your friend or loved one may not be there yet. If that is the case, don’t try to blame or attack. Instead, let them know you are there if and when they want help or someone to talk to.

Helping a Friend Stop Lying

If you suspect a friend struggles with lying, you may feel unsure how to address the issue with them.

While it may be awkward or difficult, your

willingness to talk about lying may be exactly the

opportunity they need to begin being honest about their issue.