Understanding Loneliness Ver. 2 | Page 12

Write down some of the negative thoughts that you have when you are lonely. Do you think things like:

I will always be alone.

If I am alone, I have to feel lonely and unhappy.

I must be a loser, because I am alone.

No one must like me.

Something must be wrong with me.

Identify your loneliness thoughts -

If so, try to come up with rational responses to those thoughts:

Are you really always going to be alone or might you be interacting with people soon…at work, school, church, waiting in line, or participating in an activity. You are not on a deserted island.

Do you have to feel sad because you are alone? Or could you embrace this time to do something you like. Read a book, bake, fish, golf. Just because you are alone doesn’t mean that you have to feel sad and lonely.

Are you really a "loser" because you are alone? Everyone is alone at some time or another. Being alone is a situation — and situations change.




Use alone time wisely -

If you find yourself alone, you can choose to dwell in your loneliness or attempt to use your alone time to do a solo activity that you enjoy and become good at it. Maybe it’s reading, cooking, baking,