Understanding Friendships | Page 28

door to HOPE and prepares them to be ready to hear what you have to say. So find SOMETHING to encourage them. You can focus on a past success or the potential they have. Or here are some other examples…”It was an important first step to admit what your struggle was.” “You sound like you are really ready to make some good choices.” “You are not alone.” “There are people who can help you and I’m here for you too.”



The best way to give advice is by

having them involved in figuring out what they should do and influencing their thinking in a positive way.

Involvement – In order to have people buy into any advice you are giving, they need to be involved in the discussion and the decision. You can’t just talk AT them. If you can get them to arrive at a decision on their own…so that it is their idea, they will be much more committed to the decision and more likely to follow through.

Ask them what they’ve already done to try to better their situation and why it may or may not have helped.

Ask them what else they think might be helpful.

Offer a suggestion of your own and ask them what they think about that idea.


