Understanding Friendships | Page 21

You Complain A Lot

If you’re constantly complaining about your job, lack of money, or unfair life, people won’t care to spend a lot of time with you. Complaining gets old fast.

You Ditch Your Friends When You’re in a Relationship

Don’t expect your friends to stick around if you ignore them every time you start dating someone new. It’s important

to find a balance between spending time with your friends who have always been there for you and your latest romantic interest.

You’re Selfish

Friendship is a two-way street. If you only ever consider what you want to do or talk about your problems without listening to theirs, it’s unlikely your friends will stick around long.

You Stir Up Drama

If you tend to play games or gossip so that people get mad at each other or if you share secrets, spread rumors or twist the truth in an attempt to get people to like you over someone else, it will backfire.

You Keep Score

Keeping score about whose turn it is to choose what you are doing, where you’re eating or whose turn it is to call who, will likely turn your friends away.

You Get Jealous

If you cannot be genuinely happy when something good happens to a friend, but rather feel jealous when your friend buys a new car, gets a promotion at work, or enters into a new relationship, your attitude will likely shine through.

You Bully Your Friends

You maybe don’t see it as bullying, but If you’re guilty of bossing your friends around or making demands, it’s likely that people won’t stick around.