Understanding Friendships | Page 13

Here are tips to start the transition from acquaintance to friend:

Treat people how you would want to be treated.

Use the person’s name every so often. Make eye contact and lean in a little when the other person is talking, don’t look over their shoulder or be distracted. Be generous with compliments. Everyone wants to be seen and heard.

Show people you care.

If you notice someone seems down or if you notice they haven’t shown up at your shared activity (club, gym, church, etc.) lately, reach out. Make a call to see if they are sick or having some kind of trouble. Be supportive. Help if you can. Stay in contact. Every time they pop into your mind, send a quick text or Facebook message or hand-written note.

Be considerate.

Do people favors. If you’re going out to get yourself a coffee, ask if anyone else wants one. If someone at work looks overwhelmed, ask if there is any small way you could lighten the load. If you know someone is facing a stressful situation, send them flowers or drop off a treat or meal. By being generous and considerate, people will appreciate you.

Don’t worry about who makes all the plans.

As long as your new friend keeps saying “yes,” what difference does it make who calls first or who makes the next plan? Some people just will never be initiators. If you enjoy being around them, keep inviting them.

Be reliable.

If you say you’ll do something, do it. If you can’t do it, be honest and give them a call to tell them so and why. Nobody likes to be disappointed.


Happiness is contagious and people enjoy being around people who bring joy and laughter. No one wants to be around a downer very long.





