Understanding Eating Disorders | Page 29

addressing the spiritual pain you may be experiencing.

A belief in God and a saving relationship with Jesus makes you a new creation; one whose sins and mistakes are paid

for on the cross.

While this may be hard to understand at first, it does not change the fact that God loves you so much that he sacrificed His Son, Jesus on the cross and raised him from the dead. The scars on Jesus’ hands, feet, side and head attest to His love for you and how much He desires to have a relationship with you.

Having that saving relationship with Jesus does not necessarily mean that things will

immediately get better.

But you can take comfort in knowing that God will never leave you or abandon you.

In fact, Jesus came so that you can have real and eternal life, more and better than you ever dreamed. Furthermore, you can have assurance in knowing that you can do anything, even recover from years, months, or days struggling with an eating disorder through Christ who fills you with


Verses of Hope for Eating Disorders

If you want to know more about having a relationship with God or have questions about eating disorders, chat online with a HopeCoach at TheHopeLine.com.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder and want to talk to someone, you can chat with a HopeCoach any evening. It’s free and confidential.

Chat with a HopeCoach