3. Have you tried to understand your spouse better?
Learn how your spouse communicates love to you and how they feel loved in return. A good book on this subject is The 5 Love Languages. The author of this book and marriage counselor, Gary Chapman, says, “I am convinced that there are five basic love languages – five ways to express love emotionally. Each person has a primary love language that we must learn to speak if we want that person to feel loved.” They are:
a. Words of Affirmation
b. Acts of Service
c. Receiving Gifts
d. Quality Time
e. Physical Touch
For more information on The 5 Love Languages visit: Understanding the Five Love Languages by: Gary Chapman.
4. Are you looking for a quick fix?
Couples who lose patience and want things to become instantly better in their marriage often become frustrated and abandon the marriage too early, not allowing adequate time for healing and understanding to occur.