Understanding Divorce | Page 5

Every situation is different, but let’s start with the fact that it is a false assumption that everyone who is unhappily married, will find happiness in divorce.

A report by a team of leading family scholars examined this assumption and found that unhappily married adults who had divorced were no happier than those who had stayed married. Divorce often creates additional problems and pain that had formerly not existed, such as child custody, financial strain, and heart break. Many of these new problems lead individuals into poverty, depression, poor health and greater likelihood of suicide.

The bottom line is people should give their marriage their absolute best effort before they call it quits. If they don’t, they could end up with deep regrets and more unhappiness down the road. Remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

To avoid divorce, many assume, marriages must become happier. But it is at least equally true that in order to get happier, unhappy couples must first avoid divorce.

Is Divorce the Answer?