Understanding Depression | Page 5

● Stay connected to your emotional support system, especially close friends and family.

A common mistake many depressed people make is to isolate themselves from loved

ones, making depression difficult to overcome.

● Ask for help if you are struggling or stressed - often sharing a situation or problem with a friend or loved one can help alleviate the burden. Confide in a trusted parent, adult or friend that you are depressed so they can encourage you and keep you accountable.

● Keeping your body healthy has a huge impact on your emotional health. Exercising

regularly releases feel good endorphins in your brain and builds your immunity, which

can help with depression. Go outside for a walk or exercise a few times a week and

stay away from junk food.

● Find a creative outlet to express yourself, such as writing or drawing, can help you

process your thoughts and feelings constructively.

● If you continue to deal with depression, talk with your doctor to see what options are

available for help.

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For most people who are depressed, overcoming it is a journey. Depression often lifts gradually over time rather than just “snapping out of it” one day. There are many things those who are depressed can do to help themselves get to a better place emotionally.

If you or a loved one is dealing with thoughts of death or suicide, please reach out for help!

Talk to a trusted adult, parent, pastor or school counselor about how you’ve been feeling.

TheHopeLine is also available 24/7. Chat at

TheHopeLine.com if you need someone to talk with.