Understanding Cheating September 2022 | Page 2

Heathly relationships are built on a solid foundation of trust and respect. When someone in a relationship cheats, it destroys that foundation, which can be hard to rebuild.

While it may seem obvious, cheating (or infidelity) happens when someone breaks a relationship bond or promise.

There are many different forms of “cheating." Cheating can be clear and obvious, like having sex with another person, or it can be more subtle, like secret texting or meeting up behind your partner’s back.

There are two types of infidelity: emotional and physical.

Emotional infidelity is when your partner becomes intimate with another person on an emotional level, not necessarily a physical level. This could look like constant texting, frequently spending time together, or even sharing intimate information or secrets. Emotional infidelity can be subtle and hard to pinpoint. In many cases. Ultimately, forming an intimate bond with someone when you've promise a partner that you're their one and only can be just as devastating devastating as physical infidelity.

Physical infidelity is when your partner has become physically intimate with another person. This covers everything from kissing to sex and may or may not include an emotional attachment.

WhaT is "Cheating" exactly?

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