Understanding Cheating September 2022 | Page 9

Keep it simple. Don’t rehash every event in your relationship or point out all their faults. Simply let them know you feel it’s time to move on and stand your ground.

Be prepared. Think about what you want to say in advance. Stand firm in your decision, even if they become angry or upset. Remain calm, no matter what.

Avoid breaking up via text or email. When you are ending a relationship, it’s best to do it face to face. This helps eliminate any miscommunication and shows that you're capable of respect.

Set a time and place. Decide on a specific time to talk with your partner and stick to it. While you may dread it, ending the relationship will be a relief.

Move on. Once you’ve ended the relationship, don’t linger or dwell on it. Make it a clean break, at least for now, to give yourself the time and space you need to heal from both the betrayal of the cheating and the breakup. This might mean deleting their number from your phone, getting rid of photos, unfollowing their social media accounts, etc. If your ex continues to contact you against your wishes, stand your ground. You have the option to block them, but if you feel stalked or unsafe, tell an authority figure.