Understanding Cheating September 2022 | Page 16

It’s ok to be sad or angry.

Give yourself time to grieve the relationship.

Cry, scream into your pillow, head to the

gym and hit the punching bag as hard as

you can while listening to angry breakup

playlists on repeat. Feel the feelings. Let

them out so that they don't take up

permanent residence in your body.

After some time has passed, if you

feel you may be slipping into

depression, be sure to talk to a

trusted adult, parent or counselor

about it. Sometimes strong feelings

are difficult to process alone.

Resist the urge to

overanalyze your


It's tempting to think about

“what could’ve been” or what

you could have done differently

or better, but there's nothing you

could have done to stop your partner from deciding to cheat. Learn what you can from the relationship and move on.